Spiritualism versus Spiritism

32 Only LOVE may save these souls. We given them this LOVE, but you condemn them ! The Christian Churches warn you: “Leave the dead alone!” But the dead do not leave you in peace , because this peace your great Churches preach does not exist . How can a Christian Church warn you about the dead, how can they not converse with them, when this Church believes in the resurrection on “Judgment Day” and preaches this dogma with great pertinacious ness? 11. Christian spiritualism (Transmission from the year 1974) Dear friends, well, it is unfortunately the case these days that many people turn up their noses when they hear the word “Christian”. As if it was a disgrace to call oneself a Christian. One seems to have nothing against being labelled a Marxist or some other political party member. But one cannot be a Christian by simply belonging to a religious community. In order to be a Christian, one has to become a Christian first!  One doesn’t become a Christian by being christened or by belonging to a cult, but only through showing excellent humanness. In order to be a genuine Christian one has to become a human being. The word “Christ” therefore means nothing else but “human being”. Why is one ashamed of these words if they mean human being and not animal?  Christian therefore means as much as humane! But Christian spiritualism has existed for many years. With this terminology the mockers receive water for their water mills. As if we’re dealing with superstition, witchcraft and devilry or with exploitation and deceit. No, dear friends, mankind errs enormously in this case, because we are dealing with human contact with the spiritual realm here! All the many Churches and religions have not been successful in convincing the rest of the world that a spiritual realm exists. There is enough evidence, but the sciences make a powerful effort in order not to have to admit what it knows - but others have no interest in. Woe, woe, the eyes of those in power are cast over the sciences and they mean business, because they don’t just decide over the way things are run, but also over life and death. But the nation is not in a position to undertake its own enquiries; it is unfortunately dependent on acknowledging what the press, radio and television dishes up. But who is willing to insist that this information always represent the objective truth? An expert knows what lies are utilised in this arena!  Christina spiritualism is not sectarianism, but a scientific exploration of the universe of the divine DOMAINS. However I have to admit that great mistakes are often made. But experienced contactees (mediums) know very well how to deal with these spirit entities.