Science, technology and the arts

76 it comes to making humanely valid decisions. They therefore do neither possess tact nor genuine empathy. I will give you an example: Primitive natives, Negroes and American Indians that live a culturally low existence, leave all their heavy work to their womenfolk who, apart from bearing children, must also deal with them on their own and manage all heavy work into the bargain. In his primitiveness, the far more powerful men exploit the physically weaker sex, even if they’re dealing with their own women. This behaviourism of still underdeveloped native tribes stands as an example for all of mankind, because the negative amongst you exploit the weaker everywhere . • This is an indicator of an underdeveloped spirit. A pathological craving for recognition is also one of the negative character traits. The negative will always attack the good and will always canvas the negative as the ultimate, saving truth . It might look as if the positively inclined person has been abandoned by GOD and is left at the mercy of evil. This is an illusion, because the existence of an individual is marked by its immortality. No human being can therefore assess just how individual cases really progress. The LAW of evolution does not just apply to a period of life of one single life on Earth, it is universal and it also applies in the spiritual REGIONS. No man can change the LAW of cause and effect . As time and space are human concepts, you are unable to predetermine the lawful effects in these cases. – Negative human beings look a little like identical twins. Their negative attributes show no resourcefulness. They always project the same characteristics, because we’re always dealing with: • The abuse of power, • the disregard of divine LAWS and • contempt for all progressive undertakings, all the way to anarchy. But of late the spirits started to divine into two camps. Just on which side individual people actually stand is expressed ever more clearly . One has therefore a better chance to avoid them than ever before. • A title or an eminent position never indicates the real level of one’s spiritual maturity! When good and evil people live together, the good ones will always be the losers unless they manage to advance the still underdeveloped maturity of their partner. If they also apply coercion, their decline is virtually guaranteed. This is why it is the task of a leader to instruct and to convince and not to fight ! Questions in regards to extraterrestrial life Question : Are the bodies of people on other planets always of a similar physical size as it is the case here on Earth? ELIAS : No, the size of people is very different indeed. Depending on the planet, there are larger or smaller human beings. But if a human being is very large, the trees and all other things are correspondingly larger also. People on other planets, of a larger physical stature than yours here on Earth, do not perceive these differences, because everything is adapted accordingly, that is to say, everything is correctly ordered and everything is proportionally correct. • The variations in size depend on the prevailing gravity on the planet in question; the rotation also has a decisive influence. The proportional ratio between the planet and its