Science, technology and the arts

71 researchers and technicians ashamedly admit that they were criminally arrogant . Very limited research into nuclear fission would not be criticised. A singular or maximum two secure nuclear reactors could be utilised for scientific purposes. This research could be of great benefit in fighting certain diseases like cancers and blood and skin disorders for instance. Nuclear doesn’t just mean death, it also means life! When this research is done for peaceful purposes, ADVICE about how the radiation can be avoided will ensue from higher regions. But it is too early for this ADVICE at this point in time. The situation must first be absolutely clarified so that no change of heart can take place. Politics and religion must first come to grips with the effects of any deviation from the right path. • Never believe for a moment that GOD does not interfere with this world. Forbearance and patience are certainly not weaknesses, but tolerance! The SANTINER are also not prepared to idly observe when a planetary race of people heads towards disaster. But the aforementioned tolerance requires them not to use force. T h i s t y p e o f s a n c t i o n r e m a i n s G O D ’ S p r e r o g a t i v e ! The MESSENGER of LIGHT AREDOS to this theme (Transmission from the year 1957) There is a divine LAW that states that every cause will have an effect. Laws established by man can be abrogated again. Only GOD alone can abrogate the divine LAWS; but they are so wise and solidly established that there a no valid reasons to abolish them. • Human thought alone is one of the causes and this produces a visible impact. If peace doesn’t reign on Earth, only wars instead, human thought in that direction is the actual cause. • GOD thinks differently – and HIS THOUGHT also has a visible effect. If this were not the case, any life on this planet would have disappeared long ago. Mankind on Earth lives from REPRIEVE to REPRIEVE. But it has now (1957) reached a point where man reduces this REPRIEVE by himself, well, where he directly renounces GOD’S GRACE altogether. (Atheism) What would happen if GOD was not LOVE and PATIENCE personified? Mankind’s technological and physical knowledge has made great strides, particularly within the last 50 years, but technology and matter are beginning to turn into mankind’s deadliest enemy . This once again demonstrates the LAW of cause and effect! • Technological development without RESPECT for GOD and without FAITH in GOD is one cause that has to have a negative effect, because it contravenes the divine PLAN. The material development is also – without taking the higher ORDER into consideration – a cause that