Science, technology and the arts

59 “heaven” and “hell”, allowing the negative FORCES to ply their trade. • The actual MISSION of the artist is to make GOD’S PLAN of CREATION generally comprehensible. The artist as a medium can express the invisible in such a way that the general public can understand it. But if an artist speaks an incomprehensible language, the general public cannot understand him and he’s works of art are then meaningless . We encounter an art genre these days whose meaning one wants to persuade you to understand. A real artist is a positive MISSIONARY and nothing more! About art (2) (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) The secrets of this great CREATION are so enormous that there is a plethora of things to say that are virtually impossible to express in words. It is the artist’s assignment to function as an agent here! • The artist has the task of utilising the language of art in order to introduce his fellow man to the great mystery of otherworldly opportunities. The concepts of “heaven” and “hell” are made intelligible for everybody in this way, so intelligibly in a way as would be impossible with the help of simple language. This is the important point most artists have unfortunately no yet comprehended. This important point has unfortunately been lost in today’s art appreciation. Artists that also play a role as a medium, like for instance Raphael, Michelangelo or Rubens, as well as Leonardo da Vinci and the music of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and others have correctly identified the meaning and purpose of art. They were aware that genuine art can only be a theistic veneration of real PERFECTION and IMMENSENESS and this is why they were able to create great masterpieces. • The responsibilities an artist has are much greater than he generally assumes! He is a leader amongst men. – But he can also be a seducer of men. An artist can also be possessed by the most powerful SPIRIT FORCES. The high psychic ability, if he is a genuine mediator, he is consciously aware of and that makes the intuition coming from the great CREATIVE FORCES available, can certainly turn him into an instrument in regards to their aims. But these aims can part company ; they are called: CREATION and destruction! • The populace that senses the artist’s language in his works absorbs it within its soul ; it stirs up all its senses and changes the soul of man with all its emotions. This is why an artist can be a messenger of GOD, an angel or an adjutant of the devil! The artist’s power and might of expression is so powerful that he also bears responsibility in regards to individuals and people’s behaviourism. The artist is therefore co-responsible in regards to hatred and understanding between nations. The language of his soul is more powerful than all other means of communication. Through the power of the language of his soul, the artist can awaken humanity and also further progress.