Science, technology and the arts

57 What is art? (Message from the SPHERES of LIGHT) The things that are presented to mankind as art these days have nothing whatsoever to do with art. This designation is confusing. Only a certain clique has trodden down this part in order to demand higher prices for this tastelessness. In order to support this statement one has to hark back to the origin of art . • When art began to appear, it was always sacral , that is to say, it was supposed to be a means for the supernatural to express itself. The ritual dance of priests and music also or the so-called fine arts were means of adoration. If man’s power of imagination was supposed to be encouraged or animated, one developed opportunities to establish a connection with the sacral. Art therefore stems from man’s religion. It represents a kind of prayer, expressing the secrets of divine CREATION. Only once the artist has established true contact with the CREATOR can he then proceed to express something with his means and talents, something that demands complete reverence and adoration from his fellow man. • An artist is a creators; he therefore possesses a gift that brings him nearer to GOD. • But an artist can also deviate from his path and get nearer to evil. He will then have lost contact with divine INSPIRATION and will then begin to work on behalf of demons . The domains of evil are engaged in attacks on goodness, in the destruction of morals, decency and in striving for anarchy and chaos. Art experts, uninformed about this, do not realise in what way they prop up the devil. Some of the art works people are exposed to these days are depictions on behalf of demons that are antagonistic towards GOD and towards people. The term “Art” is absolutely not appropriate here. It is more appropriate to call these depictions the devil’s work. Seen from a supernatural point of view, these works of art constitutionally attract evil. Some cultic spirits make their presence known. You can observe this fact in East Asia and with primitive, jungle living psychic people. Even the most primitive people have their religion; they are also influenced and inspired by the spiritual regions. Their carvings and their wooden idols represent their search for the CREATOR . Their art is a primitive expression of their religion. • Art is the veneration of HIGHER LIFE. Where and how is this veneration expressed? There are some excellent musical compositions. Formidable beauty depicted in paintings and in stone brings us closer to the CREATOR. But one has forgotten these days that art is a sacral form of expression. One pays homage to ugliness and this will only please hell. • What one explains to you about these things does not count, what counts are what they actually represent and how they are perceived by a healthy mind . I know that the majority of people do not favour the atrocious derailments of art. But the opinion of this majority doesn’t count; one assesses works of art without taking their opinion into consideration, because one is not interested in the community’s taste, only in profits that run into billions.