Science, technology and the arts

54 physical perceptions. What can also happen is that a part of his brain is no longer able to calculate. The spirit can, it doesn’t forfeit its psychic abilities, but he is no longer able to do calculations, because he is fettered to his physical condition the way a driver cannot drive his car because it suffered a breakdown. The ability to drive a car remains, but not with this car. • This association between the spirit and the body unfortunately leads many scientists in the wrong direction. Man is deceived , because he believes that the spiritual processes must take place in the brain. The reality is that the brain is the best conductor of the spirit . Vice versa , it also conveys all sensations back to the soul. For as long as the soul is enmeshed with the brain, it is self-evidently not able to act independently, but it has to rely on the co-operation of the body; it cannot hear or see for instance if these organs do not convey their impressions through the brain to the soul. • Death represents a “short circuit” that breaks the connection between body and soul. The physical death of the body restores the soul’s independence , it does forfeit its power over matter, but it gains more power over the immaterial SUBSTANCE of the spirit. Most people on Earth believe that dying is a painful experience. This is never the case. Only a pathological condition can cause the body pain. • Death in itself is an absolutely painless process! One’s true existence is the great, ETERNAL EXISTENCE in the SPIRITUAL WORLD, it allows an insight into the physical world under certain circumstance – und under very special circumstances even contact with physical creatures here on Earth. He, who dies, returns to his actual EXISTENCE, which offers greater opportunities than terrestrial life. • The reasons of a terrestrial existence consist of an additional opportunity for development, additional education for very specific stages of development necessary for the progress of individuals. It is an unfortunate fact that this training in a physical environment must often be repeated (reincarnation). The Book of Life (Transmission from the year 1975) Well, every human being possesses its own individuality and it is so distinctly defined that it possesses its own FREQUENCY. It is like one’s own fingerprints. The slightest shift changes this FREQUENCY. The “BOOK OF LIFE” is often mentioned and it is supposed to record all the good and evil deeds done by man. But this absolute TRUTH is unfortunately regarded a fairytale. • It is an absolute fact that this kind of “BOOK” really exists! If this wasn’t the case, nobody could remember anything. The human consciousness could not function properly. Scientist contemplated how it is possible that human beings have so many memories stored within their brains. But this is a misconception , because the brain is not equipped to perform this task. The size of the brain also doesn’t matter when it comes to correctly comprehending recorded memories. All