Science, technology and the arts

52 of dendrons represents consciousness. Our self-experience moves from the dendron to the psychonen. These in turn influence the synapses. This is how the spirit affects the brain. On the other hand, the brain also influences one’s consciousness. This idea about the origin of consciousness coincides with the theory of evolution. Focus : How do psychonen lead to immortality? Eccles : They connect the world of the spirit with quantum physics. Quanta can cause individual vesicles to open their membranes and to pour out their neurotransmitters. Immortality could come into this because the psychonen are of a non-material nature. They remain intact whilst dendrons decay after death. The coupling with the quantum fields might just connect our consciousness with the “WORLD SPIRIT” who permeates throughout the whole universe – therefore with GOD. We might never be able to verify this. The secret of our existence is more profound than we could ever imagine. The power of thought (Transmission from the year 1959) What would man be without his thoughts? – Thought is the greatest and most wonderful characteristics of human beings. This ability doesn’t just place man here on Earth, but it places him into a direct relationship with the infinite cosmos. The power of thought is underestimated and in spite of this, it is so powerful that it can kill, but it can also become creative to the highest degree. • Prayers would not make sense and would not have emphasis, if the power of thought, well, thought itself, did not possess divine CHARACTERISTICS. GOD’S most eminent CHARACTERISTICS is THOUGHT, the WORD. THOUGHT alone allows LOVE to express itself, to convert itself into action. How frivolously man on Earth deals with this greatest of TREASURE at his disposal! Man is able to think positively and negatively – and every time he does so, he sets the cosmos in motion. Every one of man’s thought leaves an impression as LIGHT, colour, form and also creates movement in the cosmos, where his unimaginable existence takes place until he is transformed into pure LIGHT through higher KNOWLEDGE. We are dealing with an occult process here that cannot be explained in a few words. • This invisible, that is to say, this spiritual LIGHT is a SUBSTANCE that can be moulded and animated . This makes it actually possible that man can produce a pictorial concept for his spiritual eyes to see. These pictures, self-produced and viewed by the soul, running like the plot in a movie scene, give the soul its actual individuality! These self-produced thought structures can also be perceived by other ENTITIES in the hereafter. This is why an otherworldly entity can apprehend the thoughts of terrestrial man completely unconstrained by any language. This represents the best means of communication throughout the universe. This extraordinary activity of the soul is not a physical process . This is why there is not greater mistake than to assume that physical matter is able to think within some particular developmental process. • Only the soul can think and it’s not physical in any shape or form! The SUBSTANCE available for the production of formed thought images and concepts is pure ENERGY; it is on no account physical!