Science, technology and the arts

5 • The crucial INDOCTRINATION is that you are also spiritual beings with a spiritual assignation and that this has to be fulfilled . • You must realise that these important, vital TRUTHS are objective and truthful and even though they have been verified for thousands of years, the have been ignored. • You must endeavour to rearrange your worldly affairs, but this time upon the unshakable foundations of the spiritual TRUTHS we have given you. This is the only way you will achieve permanent PEACE! GOD’S REALM can only be realised through collaborative harmony. But if you chase after old ideas , if you continue with your hatred and if you cannot find a solution to the antagonism expressed between nations, you will not be able to emerge from all the bloodshed and from the destruction of your biosphere. Every war is based on the foundation of hatred. But hatred is demonic and therefore absolutely negative . It follows that every war is negative and no philosophy or science can make it more palatable. Every war is based on selfishness and materialistic self-interests. • The decline of mankind on Earth is the direct result of an ungodliness of enormous proportions, because even most of those that belong to a religious community act in an ungodly manner! For as long as you do not allow yourselves to be guided by GOD’S SPIRIT, there will be no change and no improvement. But we reveal GOD’S SPIRIT to you. • The real INDOCTRINATIONS in regards to the divine SPIRIT are not always found in an antiquated and partially adulterated bible. GOD reveals himself every day and every hour. If you suppress HIS WORDS, the consequences will soon follow. GOD petitions the GOOD in people, but you have to listen to it ! Many are of the opinion that to think and to act better isn’t worth the effort . T h e y a r e u n a w a r e o f t h e m i s t a k e s t h e y m a k e i n t h i s r e s p e c t ! Due to the fact that churches and religious denominations are unwilling to see man’s existence in a universal context , this aberration is supplied with new impetus all the time. • Do not allow yourselves to be duped any longer! Make an effort to fathom the TRUTH yourselves. Take time out to study and to meditate. Do not blind yourselves in regards to a spiritual existence after your disembodiment. You lack object-lessons about the things we, from the vantage point of our WORLD, have to observe. Mankind’s development (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) You have to look upon development as something that doesn’t lead up a straight road. A whole series of successes and obstacles can make an appearance along the way. Man progresses along the way to then unfortunately fall down again. He endeavours to get back on his feet and progresses higher than before the fall. This process furthers the development of the human race. You can point out various epochs in history and say: “Look here, this was a dark period in mankind’s development”! But this isn’t all of it; it is only a part of it. You talk about the industrial age, but all its