Science, technology and the arts

41 ORDER. But man undertakes a lot of things without taking the divine ORDER into consideration. You can see the results everywhere: Within one’s own circle of friends, the whole world situation where murder, war and destruction are the order of the day. A negative order is always based on the inspirations of lower forces. He, who disturbs or disregards ORDER, which is invariably coupled with justice, is an enemy of CREATION. This should be clearly taught at schools and universities! It is blatantly obvious that when a freak is born the divine ORDER is amiss. When war rages, you have proof that the ORDER of PEACE is amiss or that it is trodden underfoot. When individual people bicker and fight with each another, they definitely infringe on the divine LAWS of ORDER and HARMONY. • I call upon all the philosophers on Earth to deal with ORDER , because it is absolutely vital for the HIGHER DEVELOPMENT of individual people and for the progress of this world! Disobedience in regards to the logical LAWS of ORDER is a crime and a sin and every individual affected by it and all of mankind must suffer! The limits of the universe (Transmission from the year 1960) The universe is not just space where stars are found. The universe is everywhere where radiation, therefore where vibrations are present. There is a ring of stars you call the “milky way” within the universe. This ring rotates and it is made up of an infinite number of cells. Every one of these cells is a self-contained system and fulfils its role within the whole. The universe therefore extends a lot further than you assume. Unimaginable forces also control those regions of space where stars no longer shine. • It is a mistake to believe that where GOODNESS reigns, evil must also be represented. This polarity is not a fifty-fifty affair. The belief that Lucifer exercises his influence everywhere is based on a biblical mistake. Limits have been set in this case and his negative power does not reach very far . – But you certainly have to fight evil here on Earth. • GOODNESS throughout the universe is unimaginably more prevalent than negativity. The ratio between the two is comparable to the proportion of the solar system to the size of the Earth’s satellite, the Moon! • Lucifer’s powers in the universe are localised , that is to say, they are mainly concentrated on planet Earth, because this humanity here provides the prerequisites for this. Lucifer’s manoeuvres of deception bring the best results here. Mankind on Earth is easily led astray and easily bedazzled. Lucifer’s and his hordes chances are hopeless from a purely cosmic point of view, because the POSITIVE throughout the universe represents an overwhelming superiority . Nevertheless, Lucifer wants to unhinge this world just the same in order to record at least a partial success. • The universe is not limited in a dimensional sense . But the visible and also invisible part of CREATION is situated within it. Every movement is monitored by experienced INTELLIGENCES, just as no power station runs by itself unless it is supervised. All of space is brightly lit. It doesn’t take an atmosphere to make an object visible. The rays of light emanating from stars and suns race from the source of the greatest energy in a straight line. These rays