Science, technology and the arts

13 • The soul is an ordered, perpetual function from the spiritual SUBSTANCE that is GOD. This is the reason why the human body is a part of the overall CREATION PROCESS, but it is certainly not to be looked upon as “The crowning glory of CREATION”, because there are other intelligent BEINGS out there in the universe, like for instance ANGELS, that would be more entitled to assert a claim on the title of “The crowning glory of CREATION”. But there are also other complicated CREATIONS within the physical arena that far surpass the human organism in various aspects. All of these organic expressions of life are EXPERIMENTS of the CREATOR that on no account have been concluded . – Without occult, that is to say, extrasensory abilities, the human body is far inferior to many other life forms. Bees and ants for instance possess a soul cosmos whose function sometimes surpasses that of the human brain. A micro-cosmic nerve of a bee performs functions the human nerve plexus could never achieve. • The human soul alone is a direct spark of GOD’S ESSENCE and therefore indestructible and eternally in motion, whether inside a body or disembodied. The bible further states: (Genesis 1:31) “God looked at everything he had made and he was pleased.” As far as we’re dealing with the physical part of CREATION, it is excellent from a human perspective; but it is far from being completed from a spiritual perspective. The constant HIGHER DEVELOPMENT that is taking place throughout the universe will never allow a standstill. This is the reason why GOD has never reposed up to now, not even for a fraction of a second . The bible divides the creational process into “days” – and every single “day” comprises an unimaginable period of time. • Well, I say to you: If the CREATOR would rest for a fraction of a second, the whole universe would collapse within itself, because it would no longer be in motion. But people of mental substance must despair when they read the WISDOM that was handed to Moses on Mount Sinai by the SANTINER, because it has been distorted to a large degree; quite apart from the fact that Lucifer interferes and interfered with GOD’S handicraft. Doubt, as an inevitable consequence, draws its dangerous impetus from this chain of anti-scientific knowledge in the name of atheism . ANGELS, otherworldly TEACHERS and highly evolved ethereal BEINGS from other star systems, endeavour to warn the people on Earth, and this under dangerous conditions, about religious and philosophical aberrations and ask them to disseminate the TRUTH. The cosmic DOCTRINES unified within the bible are simple and true, but they have been over-complicated and falsified beyond comprehension, because most of the written accounts were either incomplete or of substandard quality. Many monks have garbled these recordings even more. T h e T RUT H w i l l p r o c l a i m a g r e a t p h e n o m e n o n a n e w ! About human beings (Transmission from the year 1965) Well, there is no higher life form on Earth than man. He has the ability to comprehend creation in all it