Science, technology and the arts

10 deliver him to face GOD’S JUSTICE. • The anti-proton is GOD’S and the spiritual realm’s CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL and it is beyond the grasp of the unfriendly’s power. Everything within the universe is polarised : There is a physical and a spiritual realm, a soul and a body, a Heaven and an Earth. Evidence (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) The sciences created a faculty for psychic research. We are dealing with the field of psychology here. But psychology unfortunately assumes that the activities of the brain represent the soul. One therefore does not recognise the soul as something individual, but only as the activity of certain brain cells . But everything that indicates a special accomplishment by the soul is simply placed at the feet of the human subconscious . The subconscious thereby becomes the reservoir for all unexplained processes that one does not want to have to define. Every serious para-psychologist is completely aware that psychology runs along the wrong tracks. The recognition of an independent, viable soul perforce leads to theism. But as psychology rejects this line of argument, one is quite happy to accept the opposite of this line of argument and this with every possible atheistic explanation of any supernatural processes within the human consciousness. • The best evidence in regards to the existence of the soul still comes from uncivilised native tribes with their established cults in regards to the world of spirits. These tribes are psychic and they know the hereafter through self-experience . But there is also a plethora of other evidence that has been completely erroneously assessed, because one does not want a positive, that is to say, an assessment that touches upon the truth under any circumstances . We find this evidence in our daily lives. I will therefore give you such an example. • Addictive and recreational drugs lead to poisonings that, depending on their composition, steplike separate the connection between the body and the soul. Marihuana, opium and cocaine are substances that have a very detaching effect on the brain, because the brain is the mediator between spirit and matter. Cannabis and hashish are also poisons for the soul. They bring about a condition that separates man from his temporal existence to a higher or lesser degree, thereby bringing him closer to the afterlife. This represents a situation between life and death, it lasts for some time, but the body usually manages to deal with it until the next drug induced episode. In a drug induced state, these poisoned people experience conditions that reveal and that allow them to experience all kinds of life of the fourth dimension ; a floating feeling, the interplay between otherworldly light reflexes, but also the fauna and flora of the otherworldly spheres become perceptible and also visible. The same poisonous state happens with alcohol abuse . Alcohol works slower , but in a severe state of inebriation the soul also separates from the brain to a degree where its senses are expanded in regards to otherworldly experiences. This doesn’t happen without a fight, it produces a disagreeable dizziness and disturbances of equilibrium . Medicine calls this state “delirium tremens”, meaning a drunkard’s