Messengers of Light evenings - Part 2

3 Speer : Most times their personal interests were too much in the foreground. One could not recognise a will to serve mankind or to make sacrifices . The otherworldly should however try their very best to make sure that the participants are looked after from day one. Through their egotistical behaviourism individual participants can play havoc with the whole séance . Question : What are these disturbances? Speer : Incursions of hoaxing and lying spirits into the circle. The SCREENING is then no longer secure enough. It alone guarantees the truth. Apart from this, the work of the medium is made more difficult. Question : There must have been a number of participants with at least some prior theoretical knowledge? There surely is enough literature around to create the required prerequisites! Speer : Such pre-encumbered participants are the worst . They know everything better and they find fault with the medium and the otherworldly. They are not prepared to be completely open minded, but firmly believe all aberrations and nonsense they ever heard or read about. It is utterly impossible to make any progress with such people. Question : And what is the attitude of the tested regulars? Speer : They are always patient pupils and above everything else, are intent on changing themselves . Personal messages A lot of personal messages from relatives of the participants also come through during the MESSENGERS of LIGHT séances. These messages are the most convincing evidence for the genuineness of these otherworldly transmissions. They contain accurate information neither the medium nor the other participants are privy to. As these messages are of a personal nature, we do not make them known here. January 1966 Question : Am I on the right track spiritually? ELIAS : We know that you are spiritually very interested. But we also know that you read a lot. We say to you that it very much depends on what one reads. • The correct selection of one’s spiritual literature is of utmost importance! A lot of what you read does not fit in with the picture you drew for yourself. It is therefore not a case of reading a lot, rather a case of what one reads. You do have to admit that you sometimes asked yourself how this or the other harmonises. Which is the right way? You believe that you now know. • The revelation-spiritualism is the right way!