In the service of science - Part 2

A very important fact is misappropriated here. The reality speaks volumes! Apart from the psycho-scientific faculties at major universities in the USA, many major industrial corporations, especially those engaged in the space program, are interested in this. Amongst then are top corporations like the Bell-Telephone Corporation, General Electric in Schenectady, Rand- Corporation in Cleveland as well as military laboratories . If one were to endorse the opinion of numerous scientists and physicians, one would have to come to the devastating conclusion that the above mentioned companies are addicted to superstitions. Adult education centres in Germany now offer trimesters that deal with parapsychological psychology and also include the survival of the soul after death. “Why is this so” one has to ask oneself, because university student are usually fed an unequalled atheism instead of this enormous truth? – University students will not always remain students. One day, when they are let loose on society, they will have to bear responsibilities. They will then lack the solid foundation of the truth , something kept from them for political reasons . We challenge academic sciences to finally grab the initiative here and to better orientate themselves in regards to this special field of knowledge. Mankind has now reach a stage that does not allow the dismissal of a natural science, one that reaches way beyond the normal boundaries, with absurd, hackneyed phrases and cheap definitions . Our formulated material alone perfectly suffices to not just convince the public, it also bears any scrutiny by a scientific committee. One naturally has to take into account that all of this evidence, collected with infinite patience, cannot be generally published. Such books would be too comprehensive and accordingly expensive. They would also contain lots of drawings. Such publications would however convince each and every doubter. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences November 1965 The general public holds the opinion that academic science rejects all occult phenomena, because they cannot withstand natural science’s standards. One supports this alleged rejection by saying that the supernatural has been refuted by the sciences. The sciences have indeed managed to explain some of these occult phenomena, but the predominant part of these phenomena can be repeated or repeat themselves of their own accord and they cannot be negated. How should the sciences behave in cases where the laws of physics make no progress? – Rejection is impossible , but to admit defeat would be embarrassing , because one always derided this subject and one does not like to look like a fool now because one was so wrong. One therefore prefers to remain neutral – one therefore does not say no, but as a precaution one also does not say yes. The sciences continue to owe the public an answer. • The public however comes to its own conclusions and this is reflected in the completely chaotic world order. Like everywhere else, there are a number of outsiders that exploit this situation by giving lectures and by running amok against occultism . The public applauds their endeavours because they have