In the service of science - Part 2

This might surprise the reader, but the thought contortions rendered here can actually be found in Baerwald’s scientific book. There are lots more authors willing to condone such thought contortions. A certain Mr. Crawford had this to say: “… that the medium materialises an invisible beam from his body to then smash it with all his might onto the table, so that a severe blow and bang ensues.” We see here that the phenomenon is brutalised. But this action has dangerous repercussions, namely for the layman who unfortunately believes this nonsense. This is why mankind remains stuck in its infancy in regards to spiritual insights. The results are misanthropic communism and spiritual anarchy . There is only one salvation for this human race, the same CHRIST tried and started: • This human race has to hear the TRUTH. It may not be misled by spiritually blind people of renown. Only people’s irresponsibility, lack of faith in a HIGHER POWER and ignorance in regards to ETERNAL LIFE, are to blame for the terrible situation people find themselves in here on Earth. If academic science would tackle this field of knowledge in all seriousness it would naturally produce an enormous shock, but its remuneration would be a worthwhile permanent peace . This however requires good will. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences October 1965 We found out that lecturers as well as students at authoritative universities hardly know anything about parapsychological research . One would have to assume that universities know what is happening at other universities. This is unfortunately not the case. One still holds the point of view that one is only dealing with the elimination of a superstition. This therefore puts the value of parapsychology in question. It isn’t just about dealing with the concept of superstition, but about the investigation of the FORCES we call “consciousness” and “intelligence”. It is about the exploration of a dimension that actually exists, but that is beyond all our physical conceivability. Universities in the USA and the Soviet Union are at the forefront of these investigations. These experiments are certainly not cheap, they cost millions. Because of the exploration of space and its associated rocket technology, one cannot circumvent parapsychology. It is just as important as the information technology. All universities should be aware of this, but this unfortunately not the case. On the contrary – students have no real concept in regards to the task psycho-science performs. They look down on psycho-science the way capitalists look down on the poor. This cannot continue like this!