In the service of science - Part 2

The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences March 1964 When Karl Marx called communism into being, he had no idea about the future technological development and its associated changes to the way human beings live, respectively the standard of living. His meditations of the past no longer apply these days. This is the reason why the foundation communism is based on is no longer correct. The future progressed entirely different from the way Marx imagined it. He is therefore the founder of a world philosophy that does not fit within the framework of development. The gist of this philosophy is however atheism . To give communism support and to take away the people’s and individual’s scruples, one developed and propagated the Soviet Union’s Dialectic Materialism (DIAMAT). This aberration of philosophical thought processes is supposed to make mankind believe that people do not possess an immortal soul and that they can therefore not be asked under any circumstances to give account after their demise for whatever they did. This says as much as: No punishment for all the crimes the state condones. The DIAMAT however did not enjoy the worldwide success one initially expected from this badgering and irrational doctrine. Many a Russian’s heart secretly still yearns for the old religion. One shows a noncommittal face in public and avoids the Church for political reasons. As party enforced communism cannot influence the hearts of most Soviet citizens, one assiduously contemplated how one could achieve one’s aim through a new dogma. This is the reason why the sciences are now asked to back up the state. The sciences have been in the news of late, because successes in physics and other disciplines have been recorded. The sciences however do not deal with religion and also not with evidence that human life outside of the physical body is immortal. The sciences however bask in the respect the public shows them – and this respect is used as a mark of quality for a new dogma in order to veil the misanthropic intentions of party communism. • The new dogma – a version of the DIAMAT – is titled: “Scientific atheism”. Mankind is now faced with a new epoch of religious persecutions. People are supposed to believe that the sciences are able to verify that neither GOD nor SPIRITS nor an OTHERWORLDLY LIFE exists. All religions on Earth are supposed to be branded superstitions in this way. If the devil – he surely is behind all of this – wins this campaign, nothing will stand in the way of the destruction of this Earth; because there will no longer be scruples from a “scientific” point of view, to press the Red Button that will trigger total annihilation. The Soviet sciences certainly did not give themselves this task. It was also not forced upon them by the party; Red Communism only lends the good name of revered science for its base machinations. • If the sciences would actually deal with atheism’s evidence, you would find that this would constitute a step towards generally clarifying things; it would however certainly verify the opposite. This is however not communism’s intention, because they want to know everything better without psycho-scientific experiences so they invent the truth. Besides, science all over the world has