Genetic research - Addendum 1

8 LUKAS :Well, what should we say, we have acknowledged this endeavour with a smile on our faces. They delve into immortality, they crave immortality, an immortality they already possess for a long time . Your scientists bridle the horse back to front and they are not even aware of this! Question :There are wealthy people on Earth who allow themselves to be frozen (cryogenics) in order for somebody to defrost their ailing body at a later point in time, a time when the field of medicine is more advanced or simply to live longer. What do you say to such an endeavour? LUKAS : I would like to explain it like this: Have a look at a sunflower, this plant possesses large lateral shoots, leaves that lead nowhere. If one concentrates on these, one will not progress any further. He, who wants to reach the centre, the huge flower-head, must stick to his path. Everything else is a distraction. There have been mediums that mentally cracked when their psychic ability manifested itself, making them loose contact with reality. These people also remain side tracked and due to their psychic abilities allow themselves to be lauded and distracted at the same time. They also no longer progress and are unaware of this. The same applies to those that want to be frozen. This is akin to stepping off the path of life, a diversion from reality. Instead of delving into life’s mysteries in order to find the TRUTH, one prefers to spend a lot of money on such senseless research. Imagine how advanced spiritual research would be if only a fraction of the financial means wasted on this had come its way. - But who is interested in this? The financial benefits of this senseless cryogenics are more important. Unfortunately so! But a time will come when this great aberrant will be discovered. Question :According to the latest news, the first three women will deliver babies from cloned embryos in December or January. This was announced in Italy. Isn’t this the exact opposite to positive research? LUKAS : It had to be reckoned with that some of your scientific contemporaries would interfere with the CREATOR’S PLAN. You said so yourself not long ago. The duality here on Earth will also produce this kind of research, which in many areas isn’t exactly according to divine CONCEPTS. But as we wrote before: Allow these people to gain their own experiences, because their experiences will make them smarter - especially once they arrive on our SIDE of life. May everything happen according to your will. Question :Besides this the question was asked: “If we omit to pray, we are guilty of not doing everything we could have done?” Your answer was: As member of this circle you bear a certain degree of complicity, because you know that there are divine opportunities to convert such NEGATIVE ENERGY into something positive. You are not the blind and not the deaf, you are the ones informed about divine LAWS! - We don’t understand this answer. Does this mean that we are punished? I ask this question on behalf of those that help us publish our work on the Internet. EUPHENIUS: Your evenings here and there are divine Church evenings, filled with your LIGHT and with the LIGHT that is brought to you and to other people here on Earth who are in need of this LIGHT, by other souls from outside. All of you here in this circle are the sources for this LIGHT, you are the ones who send the FIRST