Otherworldly experiences by the departed

12 to hang out in your environment. There is quite a number of them. I have to emphasise this once again, you do not have to fear them, because you enjoy God’s protection. All you have to do is utilise this protection. You will become the stronger in time and you will be able to convince them that what they do is not right. • Ask for peace and harmony over again, also for your family. This is very important. You can then affect the outside. This is the only possible way to convince them. We are also convinced that we will be able to bring the one or the other to you one day. This surely constitutes good help also. • But your attitude towards life and your daily thoughts and actions is considerably more important. This is the best help and the best service you can provide for yourselves, us and all others. Things are presently very peaceful around here. We are able to once again provide you with very good energy this evening and also the confidence and the trust you require to believe the words I am saying. They do not stem from me. I am only a mediator. I am grateful for the fact that it has been possible for me to talk to you. Only when peace returns here once again will be become more active once more. But what happened here today was important to begin with, namely to draw your attention to the coherences once again. • As mentioned before, you should learn to make every thought and the slightest action conscious in the name of Jesus Christ. This is what we request you to do. And if you also pray, all these energies will be send to those that are close to your heart. I thank you for having listened to me. May God’s blessings and peace be with you and do trust in the power of prayers. I ask you to. – Amen. Greetings in the name of God!” We were now continuously confronted with the problem of having to test the spirits during our work in this spiritual circle, often at short notice, only to decide whether a lying spirit had once again crept into the proceedings and for instance pretended to be a control spirit. After a few attempts by us and after consultations and advice from our control spirits, we now present the spirits to be tested with the following oath: “I swear in the name of God, the creator of the whole universe and the sole master over Lucifer, the devil and the positive and negative world of spirit, that I belong to God’s positive world of spirit and that Jesus Christ is my Lord.” This oath formula, wherein it is emphasised that God is also master over Lucifer and wherein spirit entities impute themselves under Christ, is generally not given by malicious, base spirits. It is probably against the grain to disown their lord in this way. But if they provide this oath for deceptive reasons, we usually discover by their tonguing and the accentuation that the oath is not taken serious. By applying the method of constant mistrust and by constantly asking God for help, our circle has been spared all types of damage and long-lasting deceptions. 9. Making contact with the world of the hereafter The order of events at a meeting, mostly on a Friday, happens as follows: We begin by playing religious music from a record. – This is followed by reading excerpts from the Bible. – A prayer to God follows after that, one I basically adopted from one by Allan Kardec and then adapted to our own requirements: