Otherworldly experiences by the departed

11 und seine Bindung an Gott” (Human beings and their bond with God) (Wersch Verlag, Ravensburg 1990). Just as the control spirit Stanislaus indicated, the religious trust of the terrestrial participants was stabilised. A give and take, ergo reciprocal help between the here and now and the hereafter developed. Half of the participants of the circle are Protestants whilst the other half are Catholics. Some of them are actively involved in their Church’s community work. 8. Attacks by spirit entities antagonistic towards God During the work in our circle of helpers we over again encountered considerable interferences and deceptions through the followers of God’s antagonist (Mostly called Lucifer on Earth). The questions dealing with this have been extensively dealt with in the book “Der Mensch und seine Bindung an Gott”. Numerous of our circle’s meetings had to be aborted without showing results, because the mediums were possessed by base entities or the normal process of entering a trance was prevented. As a sceptical attitude predominates in our circle, most deceptions were quickly recognised. This consisted for instance amongst other things that spirit entities appeared and pretended to be something they were not. All the terrestrial participants were however not subject to blind faith in regards to the enunciations of these spirit entities, but maintained a wait and see, scrutinising and careful attitude. The control spirit Stanislaus expressed his opinion about the difficulties of this psychic work and about the defensive struggles in the hereafter against God’s enemies on the 25 th of August 1995 through the mouth of Mrs. A. as follows: “This is Stanislaus speaking. Greetings in the name of God! I have been authorised, and I must emphasise this, to speak to you in God’s name in order to make you aware that you are actually being influenced by base spirits. And this is why we couldn’t speak to you here (meaning on previous evenings). • Their power is great and the less you are aware of the danger, the greater their power. And this is why I have been encouraged once again – and even though it was a great battle before I could actually appear here with God’s grace – to ask you to never lose sight of this other world, now that you know about it. The word ‘never’ must be emphasised. This doesn’t mean that you have to live with constant fear, all it means is that you become aware that you do indeed live on this Earth, but that you also belong to a different world and that the influences of this world are very powerful. The reason why they are dangerous is because you cannot see them. But now that you have contact with us, you have opened the door for us and also for these other spirit entities. The doors are open. This doesn’t just concern the mediums, it concerns all of you. I would like to emphasise once again, and it is not designed to frighten you, that you should live a conscious life, consciously observe your environment, your fellow human beings and that you always put yourselves under the protection of Jesus Christ , you and the members of your family and all the people that you deal with and it matters not whether you like them or not. Actually even more so those you have a problem with, those you do not find pleasant. I cannot ask you enough to take this serious, to live a conscious life and to consciously accept the other world. We have been able to form a very large circle around you. Calm has presently returned. We will be able to protect you this evening. We are sure about that. The fact that you prayed was excellent. It had an immediate effect. The power of this prayer was eventually pushed into the background. It naturally does not suffice to simply push into the background. We must once again become aware that we also have the task to show them the correct path. You can do this just as well as we can by not ceasing with praying for them also . Those that often send you evil thoughts, discords and all these other bad things very much like