
4 opinion that all of this has developed of its own volition over an unimaginably long period of time, according to chemical and physical laws of nature, which you desire to discover in your scientific experimental laboratories. Oh dear, you down-to-earth people! All you are likely to discover with your experiments are not the starting products of the original creation in themselves, but end products from the spiritual RETORT! Before something can be created, you consider it a chemical process, it is only logical that some AUTHORITY must have been at work to bring forth the discovered constitutional original idea. Comments (by Hermann Ilg) We may see in this the concern for the welfare of mankind projected far into the future, which through its own efforts and by training its willpower, can make use of these gifts, to finally advance ever deeper into the mysterious world of the FOUNDATIONS of CREATION, until the realisation dawns, that behind everything that can be disassembled, something indestructible exists , something that all the means at the disposal of mathematics and speculation can’t verify.  On this indestructible SOMETHING, the Greeks called “pneuma”, all life is based upon. But we would commit a further error, if we acknowledged this vitality only applied to certain areas of CREATION, ergo to mankind, fauna and flora whilst ostracizing the world of minerals, with its infinitely varied forms of manifestation into the category of the lifeless. Every atom is a living world of its own, even if this doesn’t seem accessible to our senses. The latest insights in nuclear research show that the same laws of locomotion are prevalent within the atom as they were presented to us by the ingenious astronomer Johannes Kepler, when he discovered and calculated the orbits of the planets. This comparison becomes even more astonishing when we present the macrocosm of our solar system alongside the microcosm of the atom on an even scale: The diameter of the sun is 1,392,700 km and the medium distance between the Earth and the sun is 149 million km. If we apply a reduced scale from 1:10 billions for our further considerations, our sun would be represented by a shining orb of a diameter of 140mm, and four pinheads, representing the inner planets of Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars, would move in elliptical orbits at the respective distances of 6m, 10m, 15m and 23m. The four larger planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the little Pluto would circle this shining orb in orbits that would be 78m, 143m, 287m, 450m and 592m respectively. If we would bring the nearest fixed star Alpha Centaury into the equation, which is roughly 40 billion km away, more than 4 light years, it would have to be placed in our model at a distance of about 4,000km; This is equal to the distance between the coast of North Africa and the North Cape of Norway. If we would reduce our model by a factor of 100, our sun would then have shrunk to the size of pinhead and the next pinhead, namely Alpha Centauri, would hover at a distance of 40km. This representation of our galactic neighbourhood at the same scale expanded out to 10 light years would need an orb with a radius of 95km. Only about 14 pinheads would have to be placed within this orb with an average distance between them of 40km to 50km! Expanding the model to include the whole Milky Way wouldn’t make sense, as it would go beyond our imaginative capacity. Our island world we call “Milky Way” contains about 200 billion fixed