
3 home! There are only a few who stand on the Earth as if on a spaceship, which will carry them safely through the vastness of the cosmos, towards unknown shores! How very few see you as a Star amongst stars! K.O.Schmidt When the need is greatest, God is nearest. (From the SPHERES of LIGHT) “GOD shall not be mocked!” You all know this proverb, which in a impressively short time will indicate the facts to you that there is always a way out of every distressing situation someone can get caught up in, whether it is self inflicted or inflicted by others, even if your common sense tells you that there is no hope. This is why people who experienced such highly dangerous situations and contrary to all expectations are rescued, say that a miracle happened to them. Something must have happened that was outside their intellectual capacity and something that their human conceivability could never imagine. These events are rare; but most of the time, they have been reliably handed down, because they have left such a deep and lasting impression on the mind of the affected, that he can’t help but recount the experience truthfully .  The inner stimulation leads in many cases to a total change of attitude towards life in general, especially if the one that was saved never wanted to know about GUARDIAN ANGELS and miracles up to then. This representation can without doubt be applied to the present situation mankind finds itself in. It finds itself in worse circumstances than they like to admit. Not one single situation comes anywhere near to being called healthy . The environment exists in a denaturation process, which will continue and which cannot be stopped or reversed by any human effort.  Authoritative scientists become gradually aware of the dangers the population of this planet manoeuvred itself into through its unrestrained behaviour towards nature. You are probably aware that your planet offers only limited living space and that its life is your life , but in spite of that you behave as if there was an inexhaustible plenitude and that it was only a matter of giving nature the appropriate chemical support, so that its vitality is expressed in the shape of an ample choice of food products and that all kind of exploitable resources are at your disposal as your hearts desires.  No words of thanks pass your lips, when you accept the gifts your giver of life (the Earth) can still bestow upon you, you just take it for granted as if you had an unreserved right to it. But thinks about it for a while, just think of the infinite preparations that were necessary to offer you all the things you thoughtlessly consume in food products and raw materials. Many of you are of the