
12 predictions will naturally remain dazed; but will eventually have to change their mind, when the “ signs in the sky ” appear and the geological events underline the seriousness of the hour.  But it would be unwise to concentrate all of ones energy to these future events and to neglect the duties ones occupation and ones everyday life demands. The present mode of living should also not be changed unless it’s in line of a conscious change in ones lifestyle. When the days of the “great tribulations”, as the bible calls them, dawn, it will be a compassionate duty for you who have this knowledge, to give the necessary assistance to your brothers and sisters affected by this. You are to enlighten them about these incomprehensible happenings and encourage them to accept the helping hands that are extended from the heavens. It is the WILL of the FATHER that all those who decide to accept a HEIGHTENED RATE of VIBRATION, will be saved. But HIS LOVE envelops also those , whose soul does not possess the necessary capacity of resonance for these higher VIBRATIONS. They will not have to suffer as many of you assume, the separation of their soul body from their worldly garment will take place in an unconscious state. And as you are aware, these earthly siblings of your’s will be reincarnated on another planet that is not a part of your solar system. The new residences will offer all possible opportunities for development, guaranteeing a rapid progress from a spiritual and psychic point of view. To support and guide this progress, you and many of you will take over the support service for those of your brothers and sisters left behind, in the service of divine LOVE. But this kind of assistance cannot be compared with the willingness to make sacrifices of your FRIENDS, the SANTINER, the way they have bestowed assistance upon you for thousands of years on your planet of redemption. The new planet of redemption will certainly not be under the dominion of the anti-spirit anymore , as he will lose his powers and with the redemption of Earth will start his way home. Questions and answers Question : At what level of development will those left behind start their new cycle of redemption and how will these incarnations take place, as the normal genetic prerequisites, the parents, are missing? What are the conditions on the planet? Is there a fauna already in existence? Answer : The external world of these stragglers will correspond with their inner world , that is to say, as mainly LOVE will be lacking, their new environment will also be without LOVE at first. They will encounter barren soil and only by intensively working with it, will they be able to glean food products necessary for their survival. To be successful, mutual support and a readiness to help one another and also an appropriate attitude towards nature is required. This will only be a relatively short learning process, stretching across a few generations; the education of the spirit will take a lot longer, because its abilities will have to be completely redeveloped. Because during the time on Earth, inventing newer and better methods of killing to support one’s own power development was the major pastime. It is therefore obvious that the characteristics of an inborn inhuman course of action will need a very special and intensive correctional effort. It will be necessary to establish special