At the end of time

27 Question: Science assumes that long ago, highly developed cultures were here on Earth, which then disappeared again. Is this assumption correct? Answer: Yes, this is correct.  As there hasn’t been a nuclear age before; one can’t really compare these early cultures with your present day civilisation. Your kind of technological wars have never taken place either and there has never been the kind of aviation as it exists today. But the civilised races of the past, which also reached a high degree of civilisation, have other achievements and insights to record. They knew of many magical forces, which are not known to you anymore. Apart from that, they had valuable contacts with their brothers from the stars, which gave them advice. Questions and answers Question : Is the human power of imagination limited? Answer : Learn to separate yourself from the restriction of your person, your lower self and your ego-centric mind, so you can elevate yourself on the wings of your power of imagination. This is how you will free yourself, then in the LAND of LIGHT meditation opens up for you, you can look behind the facade of physical life. Do this and you’ll understand the meaning of true BROTHERHOOD. You will also understand that you can only get closer to the CHRIST-IDEAL, if you serve with all of your heart and all of your mind. Your are inseparably connected with the ocean of life and you cannot hurt your brother, be it man, animal or plant, without hurting yourself. Love one another the way CHRIST loves you. Question : The Churches look at the UFO phenomenon with extreme scepticism. What has the spiritual realm to say about it? Answer : If one had told you half a century ago that you’ll conquer space and land on the moon in about 30 years, you would have scoffed at the idea and laughed. We risk a similar prophecy today:  In a very short time you’ll receive a revelation from space that will make it possible for you, to make giant advancement not only physically but also spiritually. Many young people already try to investigate the unknown and invisible. They are not only very interested in the ethereal world, which is very close to the physical, but also extremely interested in the spiritual world. And they will receive the answers that will open the door to higher spiritual development. It is only regrettable that the Churches will