At the end of time

26  Inner composure to us means that we don’t pay homage to the antagonist by succumbing to his blackmail and fall for his artful seductions. All fanatics make themselves ill and most of the time they must die prematurely. A violent death or suicide cannot be ruled out. Fanaticism is a very dangerous mental poison, it attacks people like a bacillus. Therefore practice inner composure, as it gives you objectivity, harmony and peace. These attributes create the prerequisites for the correct assessment of a situation and its resolution. Inner composure ought to be a subject at school. The Churches also ought to incorporate inner composure into their catechism. There are so many exercises man performs to maintain a healthy body and to train his spirit and soul. There are doctrines, which are supposed to guide you to your higher SELF. But I advice you:  First practice inner composure, it will give you steadfastness and mental strength. Wherein does spiritualism differ from other religions? From the SPHERES of LIGHT In the true sense of the word, spiritualism is not a religion, but a doctrine, which triggers within man a true RELIGION, namely the LOVE of GOD. A further aspect of these doctrines directed within is the knowledge that’s transmitted to man from the invisible, eternal existence. They convey information about the wonderful world waiting for man when his soul separates from the body. These doctrines indicate that man has to keep returning to a physical body until he has learned, through self-discipline, to conquer all those forces which affect his life, or to put it another way, until he has grown from a child to a perfect son or perfect daughter of the living GOD. Once the soul has achieved what one calls mastery, it has complete authority over all these forces and knows how they have to be applied to bring body, soul and spirit and all its perceptions to perfection. It then knows how one creates the perfect structure of a MAN of GOD. Once man has control over himself and also over the physical and ethereal forces, he is free from karma and reincarnation and stands above all the transitory laws. There are proven cases where a master didn’t physically die, but was raised up from this Earth. Many may smile when they hear this and declare that this really goes against the laws of nature. They’ll say that everybody must die. But we say that everybody must live.  If the physical body is reared and maintained according to divine LAWS, and is completely disciplined, it will not become ill nor will it die. If a body seems to dissolve, it is only a mirage, then the physical body consists of atoms, which are regrouped through perfect, volitional control and the newly created body is of a finer structure than before; it is removed from any external influences. This level of perfection is the trademark of the adepts: You call them holy man and SONS of GOD.