What VERITAS tells us is ...

orientated towards the physical world. This formula must include the whole universe. The universe is however a physical and a SPIRITUAL WORLD. What might seem impossible on your Earth can however be easily achieved on another planet. Something impossible in one’s physical existence can be realised within the spiritual WORLD, because where one LAW has no jurisdiction , a celestial LAW can come into effect . The people on Earth know far too little about CREATION on either side. When man’s spirit is directed towards the hereafter, the otherworldly will surely answer. What VERITAS tells us is… (16) IN NOMINE DEI – this is what I have to say to the people of this world: One thing is for sure, namely that the veneration of an omnipresent CREATOR could be written as one single formula. All other formulas are superfluous and only confuse the concepts of an ingenious CREATOR, one that preceded mankind with reason and consciousness – one that still exists today! • All prophets and all inspired people, and this includes CHRIST, are mediators between GOD and mankind. All the various prophets’ quality of soul has also been different . The superior greatness of a qualitative soul was verified by JESUS CHRIST. But every soul with its own consciousness, endowed with common sense and all the other senses, stems from the CREATOR, is in HIS IMAGE and therefore a CHILD of GOD! We can naturally venerate CHRIST in the role of intercessor on behalf of all of us, because there is no doubt that HE does occupy a HIGH POSITION within GOD’S COUNCIL in as far as we are dealing with souls that have lived here on Earth one time or another. • A logical flaw enters the equation the moment we place CHRIST in the CREATOR’S position or confuse HIM with the CREATOR so that we regards them both as one and the same. This logical flaw has helped to divide religions. Apart from that, common sense actually bristles against this interpretation, even if this aberration is presented in the best possible light. It therefore comes as no surprise that philosophy could not get a clear picture from these religious interpretations. When people asserted years ago that the sun rises and sets, or that the Earth is flat with the heavens draped over it, one tended to believe this based on one’s own experience and based on the obvious. Progressive scientific insights have gradually removed this interpretation and replaced it with logical computations. The old views had to give way to logical insights . Theology is the only science here on Earth that will not bow to this development. Religions, which comprise theology, do not want to subordinate to this logical insight. Theology is conservative and headstrong. Priest show an attitude that would have to incur the WRATH of GOD. Even if a