What VERITAS tells us is ...

• We find such a NOBLE INCARNATION fulfilled in JESUS CHRIST!! What VERITAS tells us is… (14) IN NOMINE DEI, this is what I have to tell the sciences : • If exact science is not prepared to go along the only possible path, the path of spiritualism, a catastrophe will eventuate no human being could ever imagine in their wildest dreams. The first, really positive deed, a moral deed, would be for the Christian religions to correct the bible. The negative inspirations within the bible can be replaced through scientific and logic considerations. • R e p l a c e d o g m a w i t h l o g i c ! The moral deed consists in not just instigating laws to punish, to curse and to damn or to reward, but to portray a positive role model without exception. Therefore cleanse this outdated, destructive philosophy from all its mistakes. Man always looks upon the world from within his individual self , man is therefore always the centre of being. He looks upon his CREATOR from his own perspective. If he imagines that GOD is substantial, he immediately thinks of the universe. If he thinks that GOD is small, he sets himself above the CREATOR. As people do not encounter GOD in the shape of a monster or a great magician, he is denigrated to a fairytale figure. • GOD’S actual and true GREATNESS consists in HIS EXPERIENCE and HIS MIGHT. The example of a moral deed is promoted by intelligence. The churches or rather religions assert the highest claim on this intelligence. The masses are supposed to abide by this intelligence. – • However the worst the example of this intelligence, the worst is also its imitation by the masses. The example of a moral deed is absolutely subject to the law of causality: The example is always the cause, the mimicry always the inescapable effect. Ecclesiastics and priests are however the representatives of this intelligence. But they are more than that, that is to say, they should be more than that, they should be the representatives of a divine INTELLIGENCE. This is why it is quite clear that the office of ecclesiastics and priests is a very responsible and difficult office. Such an office demands the best possible mind and worldwide knowledge in all areas. The office of a priest is more like that of a doctor. But what does the reality look like? It comes as no surprise that the masses rebel against priests; that they no longer believe in GOD. A student who cannot pass his exam due to insufficient diligence or lack of talent can always rescue himself and his credibility by studying for the office of an ecclesiastic, because you don’t have to be a genius to do so. A village parish is the last resort for a person of substandard talent. But how can such people explain the great miracle of CREATION to the parish allotted to them,