The hereafter - Addendum

-36 - December 1967 The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer) When talking to our contemporaries we find most of the time that they know nothing at all about the spiritual realm, even when we deal with church-going Christians. But if one talks about the hereafter, most people imagine an eerie land with skeletons and ghosts that look like the ones at fairgrounds. This is the religious situation with today’s so-called “enlightened people”. If one asks ministers of the church who should really know more about the hereafter, one finds that they know nothing at all about it too. In regards to supernatural things – let’s call them parapsychological things - our politicians however depend on scientists and theologians. They are obviously looking in the wrong direction. It therefore comes as no surprise that we fight such embittered battles against one another. It does seem as if the hereafter was inscrutable. But this is also not correct. Nature arranged it in such a way that people have the opportunity to inform themselves about their existence and this includes life in the spiritual realm. There are a number of notable researchers that deal with the spiritual realm. Strange as it may seem, they are derided or thought of as exceedingly mentally obtuse. The people that deal with the truth and with the greatest field of interest the human existence has to offer are discriminated against. And when the Christian churches participate in the persecution and the derision into the bargain, they verify that they do not deserve the respect one awards them. Politics is not interested in researching the hereafter at all, because the results would pull the rug from under them. This is why there is not the slightest support forthcoming from that side. On the contrary – one would dearly like to prohibit this type of research altogether. One might ask now, why this kind of persecution of Christians? The truth actually verifies that the whole human race on Earth walks the wrong path of enlightenment. The truth would verify that darkness still reigns in regards to politics, the sciences and theology. To illuminate this darkness is truly a feat that even JESUS CHRIST did no manage to achieve. CHRIST did by no means get a fair go. His doctrines are only the beginning of some very important knowledge. He was aware of this and expressed himself accordingly. • There are some excellent scientific papers in amongst spiritual literature that are absolutely concrete and they can never be seriously challenged. We are dealing with eminent works on this sensitive subject. They are still waiting for general acceptance. The sciences could do this at any time with a clear scientific conscience and responsibility. But they are not interested for a very specific reason, namely that it would topple row after row of bookshelves. Nobody wants to take the responsibility for this catastrophic loss of prestige, even if we are dealing with the truth a thousand times over. This is exactly the way the general world situation looks in regards to researching the truth. It is no longer a case of providing new evidence, we are only dealing with one major issue here, namely to