Spiritualism versus Spiritism - Addendum

15 • The best opportunity therefore only consists in remaining completely factual, level- headed and normal, not to exaggerate things in any way or to lose one’s way with unverified assumptions. The unfortunate fact is that lies are told in this field of knowledge here and the hereafter. Atheists raise their arm in triumph when such lies see the light of day. This is why the objective truth is still the best means. Question : Why are there so many contradictions in this field of knowledge? ARGUN : This is mainly due to fact that most people dealing with the hereafter are not properly versed in the subject. It really requires proper schooling. January 1962 Question : A lot of people do not sympathise with Spiritualism because they sense that they will have to change . They believe that this entails the renunciation of lots of comforts and conveniences. ARGUN : Most people would like to end up in a heavenly paradise even by maintaining their vices and their sins. The Christian Churches offer them this prospect. This is why the true CHURCH of the LORD is not palatable to them, because it does not promise salvation without improvement. • The renunciation of so-called comforts is in reality a renunciation of illnesses and the self-destruction of body and soul. April 1962 Question : Why do so many spiritual circles that started so promising fall by the wayside, as for instance in the region of Cologne? ARGUN : This is mainly due to the participants of these circles. They do not adapt to the situation and mentally work against what they want to achieve. This breaks up their spiritual PROTECTION! They also want to immediately achieve the highest without having to undergo the required hard training. • A circle requires at least 3 – 4 years to develop properly. • A spiritual circle may not be continuously re-established or changed. The aim may not be one’s ego, it must be the general public’s interests. • The human thought has the greatest POWER on this Earth and it is decisive in regards to success. Question : May one also ask material questions in a spiritualistic circle? ARGUN : This depends entirely on the development of the circle. Such questions are appropriate if all participants have a positive attitude, because this then excludes any misuse.