
58 2.3 Re-embodiment - an original Christian doctrine The question, if there are repeated lives on Earth for the same soul, is openly discussed these days. For the great world-religions (Hinduism, Buddhism), the fact that reincarnation exists, is without question, even if the doctrine has been falsified by saying, man can also incarnate in an animal. According to Christian theology, this is impossible and illogical . As an example, how could the soul of a Nobel Price winner develop further as a cow? Modern regression therapy already delivers serious experiments to prove reincarnation, by taking people back to past lives on Earth. The Christian Churches decidedly reject the possibility of different lives on Earth for human beings as heresy. Instead, they proclaim the dogma:  That when the body is procreated, every soul is immediately created by GOD out of nothingness and because of the sin of Adam, comes to Earth instantly laden with guilt (original sin).  Every human being has only one physical life, which decides for eternity . If they do not pass the tests, they are doomed to eternal hellfire. While theologians can give no explanation for the various human existences often thought of as unjust, the doctrine of reincarnation on the other hand gives a meaningful and logic answer:  Since the fall of man, a l l souls must go through a development process in the spiritual field, that will purify them through various, that is, r e p e a t e d lives on Earth leading to perfection and ultimately to a union with GOD.  The variety found in different human destinies is explained through the LAW of KARMA, where every cause is followed by action. This LAW states: A s y o u s o w , y o u s h a l l r e a p . The doctrine of the re-birth of the soul - a better term might be re-embodiment respectively “restoration” - denounced by the Christian Churches as heresy these days, existed in original Christianity! In spite of all the manipulations carried out on the biblical texts and the scriptures of the Church fathers, references for this doctrine can still be found, even today:  An evil tongue starts the wheel of birth, Jacob 3,6.  Healing the one born blind, John. 9,1 ff.  John the Baptist as the re-born Elijah, Matt. 17,10 ff. The early Greek Church-fathers, like Gregor of Nyssa, Clemens of Alexandria, Tatian and especially Origen unequivocally advocate the fact of the p r e - e x i s t e n c e of the soul, of r e - b i r t h , of the LAW of KARMA and the return of all to GOD. During the synod of the Eastern Church in Constantinople (543 A.D.), the doctrine of Origen, who had presented re-birth of the soul in a physical body in a biblically founded system, was rejected under thread of anathema, on purely political grounds, by the orders of Caesar Justinian 1. Since that time, the reality of re-birth has disappeared from Church doctrine, and the Church, because it is bound