
57 2.2 Life after death JESUS of Nazareth has truly conquered death. He walked on Earth and announced EVERLASTING LIFE and the HOUSE of his and our FATHER, where there are many MANSIONS.  Original Christianity did not fear physical death. We read, that the first Christians looked death in the eyes with joy and aware of the eternal association with the deceased. They still had that deep trust in GOD, the loving FATHER, who doesn’t damn any of his children, but leads us with infinite patience and allows us to mature spiritually with each new life. The institution of the Church began very early, to w o r r y and s h a c k l e its “sheep” particularly with their ignorance about life after death. “Buy indulgencies or suffer eternal damnation”, was the motto in the Middle Ages. One threatens those who place themselves outside this institution even today, with the prospect of hell. The ecclesiastical doctrines in respect to this important point are very disappointing: I n P r o t e s t a n t i s m one talks about this; when man dies, he is “ as dead as a doornail ”, to be awaken and judged only on Judgment Day, through an act of new creation. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e C a t h o l i c r e l i g i o u s d o c t r i n e , death is punishment for the original sin. The state of grace or sin of someone, decides at the moment of his death over his eternal bliss (Heaven) or eternal damnation (Hell). The New Testament, so they say, doesn’t know the division of man into a mortal body and an immortal soul. Man, through sin, is considered completely at the mercy of death. On Judgement Day, all the dead will resurrect “in the flesh”, and this resurrected body, as the body for the immortal soul, is the same as the physical one, even though it is now immortal and incorruptible. (Brockhaus Encyclopaedia “Tot” bzw. “Aufersteheung”) Who can understand this? The loving FATHER-GOD, that JESUS proclaimed, was labelled an angry sovereign in this way, whose patience with his children only lasts to the end of this life on Earth.  The fact remains, that the complete education of the theme “life after death”, is practised, n o t b y t h e C h u r c h , but by scientists, researchers into the afterlife and by people on a free and spiritual path. T h r o u g h t h e s e , we know, that the soul, after the so-called death of man, lives on in the garb of a new, delicate body and has to develop further in a world invisible to the human eye or in further re-embodiments, until it has found its perfection in the unification with GOD.