Our lessons for you

49 • I can tell you that the new LAWS will outshine everything in regards to order and justice. 19.1 Questions and answers Question : Can people be trained to show good will? AREDOS : Naturally, but people tend to listen less to good admonitions. They mainly orientate themselves on archetypes . If they end up in bad company, they readily adapt to fit in . If they however associate with good people, these good people will hinder them from assimilating, because they usually rebuff them straight away. This is why all people of good will must endeavour to remain tolerant . They must be open minded and helpful in regards to people that are still below their own standard of evolvement and experience. Question : People’s thoughts determine their actions. There must be something wrong with people’s thoughts these days if they are still prepared to go to war. Why is this so? ELIAS : It is naturally always about the right kind of thoughts. A systematic, concentrated, ordered and logical thought process does not allow thoughts to wander. Mankind’s authoritative leaders tend to direct their thoughts in specific directions only; they have a one-track-mind . These people do not allow their thoughts to wander and this is why they achieve amazing things. However their one-track-mind stops them from gaining HIGHER KNOWLEDGE. The results can be seen in the persecution and annihilation of other people and other nations. • One’s will is the key to one’s good or evil thoughts and actions. There are a lot of people who simply refuse to drink from the fountain of knowledge. However there are also “guilty” innocents, who never had the opportunity to drink from the fountain of knowledge. • It is man’s duty to test everything he’s confronted with, with all means of his mind. Most in authoritative positions neglect to do so most of the time, because they only see their own work and act according to their own insights. But people who immediately reject everything, because it seems strange or incredible, do not act in their own interest. • Earth is a planet of redemption and mankind, sent here to be redeemed, finds that the TRUTH is not readily available . It has to be searched for! The situation in the hereafter looks a little different, because one’s horizon there is greatly expanded. Question : The high level of terrestrial technology leads to a certain amount of arrogance within intellectual circles. Is this assumption correct? ELIAS : The extreme contrast between technology, the sciences and spiritual insights makes the people on Earth extremely dangerous . Question : Mankind is proud of its highly developed technology even if it serves the destruction of