Our lessons for you

48 19. Where is the evidence? (Transmission from the year 1969) Mankind on Earth has been set certain limits. There are things that man yearns for, but that cannot be gained even with his very best of efforts. Entities in the hereafter have also been set such limits. They simply cannot compete with GOD’S LAWS. One single entity within the spiritual realm has tried to break through GOD’S LAWS, it was Lucifer . • This means that the spiritual realm has its BOUNDARIES and LAWS that make it impossible for many of your terrestrial wishes to be fulfilled. This is why the spiritual realm cannot supply you with the sort of evidence you crave . Nevertheless there are many potentialities to transmit evidence to you here on Earth about your conscious survival after “death”. Those in responsible positions amongst you have unfortunately misinterpreted and mocked this evidence. This infamous fact is hardly common knowledge amongst the broader community of all nations. It is therefore now no longer a case of dealing with the supernatural evidence. Divine and also satanic evidence has been forthcoming in great numbers and also literally and photographically documented. But all this evidence is simply ignored by the guardians of science. GOD and the spiritual realm would really have to become sick and tired by now of trying to supply you with even one more piece of evidence in regards to your immortality. GOD is patient and HE continues to furnish you with evidence in as much as this evidence can be reconciled with HIS LAWS. But GOD’S PLAN of REDEMPTION may not be affected by this. • The populace remains silent w hen an injustice takes place, unless a few opponents raise their voices out of pure joy of making trouble. I will explain to you how things really are with the help of a parable: Let’s assume that a country on Earth has established a government. This government has taken control of all functions of state and now turns to the public, respectively to other nations, in order to be recognised by them. However the other nations do not recognise this government, because they do not like its regime. Consider this situation for a moment, because it parallels the battle the spiritual realm fights in order to get terrestrial acceptance. – The government they refuse to accept is a fact . The members of parliament go about their business, but only within their own state. Not one single effort to demonstrate their power and their existence to others will help them, because all other nations are aware that this unique, non-accepted government advocates concepts that affront all their efforts for power and possessions. This government exists, but it is negated by all the other powerful nations on Earth. • GOD’S GOVERNMENT is also here! It is FACTUAL REALITY! – It is however also negated by all the powerful on Earth. It therefore isn’t about providing evidence of its factual reality, but simply and solely about its worldwide acceptance. Once this acceptance has taken place, all existing terrestrial laws will fade into the background.