Invisible truth

37 HIGHER SPIRITUAL ENTITIES are beautiful and with increasing development become ever more beautiful, right up to angelic beauty, so that they are easily confused with Christian role models, like MARY or CHRIST. Lower spiritual entities are ugly and hardly ever change. Lower, undeveloped spiritual entities are lazy and suffer from unimaginable boredom. This is the reason why they form groups, which are then engaged in annoying or even ridiculing people on Earth. They’re hardly ever stopped from doing this. With the help of the power of thought, otherworldly entities can change their appearance, the can produce articles of clothing or smaller items for instance. The fact that this happens has not found favour with scientists and Church people; it all seems too fantastic to them. Every article of clothing and every item that is thus created from memory are made of the same material as the spiritual body of the soul. But it’s not the same material that is created by a medium during a materialisation. Some spiritual entities are able to create magnetic forces; but to do so they need the Od, the spiritual substance of the medium. This Od is especially profusely exuded by young people during puberty. Cases of haunting therefore mainly take place in the presence of young people. The female sex is very much preferred.  Materialistically minded people remain near their earthly possessions for quite a long time, after their disembodiment. If their possessions end up in someone else’s hands, the suffer agonies and try to extract revenge. Ghostly phenomenon is mainly produced by lower spiritual entities, this is why they are negative and cause a lot of damage. There is always a certain motive hidden behind these practical jokes. Professor H. Bender from the Parapsychological Institute at Freiburg/Breisgau has assessed well- known cases of ghostly phenomenon. He assumes that these are cases of lustful revenge by young people, who’s subconscious triggers such hauntings through repressed complexes. But as he’s probably not willing to admit that spirits are involved, (otherwise the research funds from the taxation department might dry up) the cause, as far as science is concerned, remains unexplained. - But in reality it is not a case of lustful revenge of a sentient medium, but the motives of a spiritual entity. But its motive could simply be an attempt to attract attention to its existence.  If one would consult a dependable medium during the investigation of such a haunting, the spirit would have an opportunity to give an actual account of what’s taking place. In the service of science (By Herbert Viktor Speer, from the year 1963) Academic science is asking that any experiment should be repeatable at any time, if scientific phenomenon is to be accepted by them. In regards to spiritual phenomenon, they demand the same. According to our experience, it is worthwhile to investigate whether this request could even be fulfilled. During more than 1,000 séances we certainly repeated experiments, but with the difference that these experiments were not always repeatable at specific times . Every one of our séances is discussed beforehand with the LEADER of the otherworldly group. The group in the hereafter therefore has 14 days to prepare this séance. But if we wouldn’t be able to keep the appointed time, the success of that séance could not be guaranteed.