In the service of science - Part 3

42 The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences March 1970 One cannot just look at the physical body with its functions in order to explore what human beings are all about, one also has to look at the NONTANGIBLE BODY whose functions are even more complicated and whose functions we cannot comprehend at this point in time. Spiritualism isn’t just about connections to ASTRAL BEINGS from the realm of the spirit, but a very pertinent branch of research in regards to the human existence after disembodiment. It has been proven so far that academic science completely failed in this sector. We owe private initiatives on the other hand a lot of cognizance and insights into the SPIRITUAL part of our LIFE. There are sufficient experiences available to give academic science a positive start. To the detriment of all of humanity there is unfortunately a deep cleft between academic science and unencumbered private research. There is no co-operation – not even a sensible reciprocal understanding. There are on the one hand a lot of mediums and circles that surmise to know everything already, whilst they deridingly, well actually compassionately laugh about the position academic science takes. There is on the other hand academic science that is so prejudiced and arrogant in its belief to be able to interpret and define everything better , that it doesn’t take private researchers into the this field of knowledge serious at all. Result: The ability to differentiate is lacking, something that is absolutely valuable. It is an absolute fact that private research into this field of knowledge is incomparably better informed and that it is also far more practiced and experienced. Academic science would therefore have to refer to this and allow itself to be advised on the subject. This is however too much to ask and it goes against their scientific sense of honour. Progress in regards to spiritual insights is unfortunately arrested by a kind of strike by pundits. This mistake often becomes apparent: University scientists hold the opinion that there are no private researchers better informed or better equipped to assess these phenomena than they can. They base their assessments and search for the truth on their academic education and their titles. One however has to take into consideration that spiritualism, well actually all research into the hereafter, is subject to other LAWS of NATURE than the ones taught at universities. Whether insights stem from private research or from other sources is therefore unimportant . What is important are the results, the explanations and not the comparisons with known laws of nature, because these make occult phenomena look like enigmas . The LAWS of the SPIRITUAL REGIONS are completely different to terrestrial or physical laws. Gravity, as it were, is already incorporated into the LAWS of the realm of the spirit. Most of what is called magic is also subject to spiritual LAWS. There are also what’s called borderline cases where physical laws and spiritual LAWS touch one another. We find these contact zones with native tribes, in their cultic pageants, in the belief in spirits by Africans and even with the most primitive of peoples and tribes on Earth. The sciences must finally admit that mankind has progressed to such a degree that it is capable of investigating occult secrets without ridiculing them or rejecting them because of a lack of interest.