Bringing up children - Addenda

consideration one finds that its composition naturally has an influence on the person’s character. The best driver cannot accomplish much with a terrible car. Question : Does this mean that the body can sometimes represent a danger to the soul? ELIAS : Yes. Can you accomplish good work with terrible tools? There are exceptions, but most are incapable of this. Question : What is specifically wrong with the way we bring up children? ELIAS : Bringing up children within the family circle is neglected . One pays children too little attention. One does not adequately discuss things with them at school either. • Discussion is the best form of education. May 1964 Question : Can a soul actually be educated by another person? ELIAS : Yes . The soul can absolutely receive a positive education, but it always depends on the good-will of another soul. Nothing at all will be achieved if this good-will is lacking. Question : The emphasis in regards to people’s education must therefore be on the truth? ELIAS : Individual’s capacity to absorb must be taken into consideration . Lessons in morality are lacking at schools. This is not solely the task of parents. This must be anchored within the curriculum , so that young people learn the difference between moral and immoral. The malevolent, those that interrupt lessons thereby negatively influencing their fellow student, should be placed in special classes for the malevolent , if they continue with their malevolent activities for more than one year. All possible means to bring about an improvement must be applied in these classes. The parent’s right to bring up their children must be taken from them in such cases. February 1965 In regards to problems with youth English journalists questioned adolescents in London : In regards to religion , all adolescents gave accordant answers. This is what it looks like: “Religion is for old people. They require fantasies about a better life after their demise.” This opinion wouldn’t just be expressed in England . These answers expose the whole deplorable state religion is in . Religion is burdened by a great mistake that has to be eradicated absolutely, because based on today’s available knowledge, one cannot condemn these adolescents for expressing this view. The reality looks like this: Today’s science and technology is accessible to all young people in all fields of knowledge. It is of a high standard and young people show an ardent interest in all of