Bringing up children - Addenda

these things. But young people will take all of these insights as the measure of all things . This is why they severely criticise religion, because it seems absurd and illogical to them, well even mendacious . • Due of their findings, young people are by all means entitled to their opinion, because confessional religions cannot give them a sensible answer to their rational questions. These young people unfortunately do not know that there is also a SUPER-CONFESSIONAL religious TRUTH next to the confessional truths in the bible that is not preached from pulpits or at the graveside of the deceased. The gauge of these scientific, spiritual INSIGHTS is actually the only valid gauge for the transcendental TRUTH, namely the TRUTH about life in other regions of the universe after one’s terrestrial existence. • If these INSIGHTS are presented to young people in a comprehensible form, their assessment of religion based on technology and the sciences is then no longer current. The confusing situation in regards to religious insights, in as far as it is in the hands of the churches and confessions cannot be correctly comprehended by any adolescent, not even by logically thinking older people. This lack of insight is not restricted to one city or a specific age group, it exists worldwide and it is extremely dangerous . The objective TRUTH about the supernatural can unfortunately not be learned from the churches and their scriptures, there is however a comprehensive world literature available that gives sufficient information about it. The general public is hardly informed about the existence of such scientific research and such factual reports, young people even less so, they have no idea about these things at all, if they do know anything, it usually comes from negative utterances of those around them. Older people also see no use in a fantasy that deals with a better life after death, if they do not work on themselves and strive for a HIGHER spiritual level that opens up the higher SPHERES to a better life after their demise. Young people however erroneously believe that because of their critical views, it is not necessary for them to better inform themselves about the spiritual and to strive for a HIGHER spiritual level at all. They believe that they live a life that allows them to indulge in all manner of negative vices and salaciousness, without ever being asked to give account to a HIGHER AUTHORITY. On the other hand one has to say that there are hundreds of millions of pieces of evidence that absolutely verify one’s existence in the spiritual realm, because hundreds of millions of departed souls announced their presence so far or supplied credible confirmation about their otherworldly existence. Through their cults, Asia’s largest nations and those of other continents also verify the nearness of the spiritual realm. Questions and answers April 1965 Question : Is our youth exposed to the dangers of retrogression?