Sleeping and dreaming - Addendum

- 3 - purpose. We can only hope that you will preserve your planet and that you don’t de- stroy it through negative inspiration, something you are prone to do. Question :The human subconscious is a reservoir of experiences from this life and also from past lives. We access this FOUNTAIN of INFORMATION often when we dream. Does this give us a chance to make contact with spirit FRIENDS that can give us IN- FORMATION so that we can live our life more consciously and more intensively ? LUKAS :This FOUNTAIN of INFORMATION is permanently available to every soul, be- cause the soul actually carries this KNOWLEDGE within . But it is unfortunate that you open up this INNER WORLD only when you sleep, because very few people be- lieve in an INNER WORLD, where all the KNOWLEDGE, for instance the construc- tion of the universe you’re all involved in, and the many, many lives that make up your existence, is stored. This knowledge is anchored within you and very few people look for it there. In the Far East, on the Tibetan High plateau, there are a few teachers and masters that can gain access to this KNOWLEDGE at any time. They have with- drawn from the mundane world of glitz, because they have realised with all their senses and know what life of every individual person is all about . They try to support the Earth with their enormous spiritual POWERS. These people do more for your world than you will ever know! The spiritual alignment of most people goes some- thing like this; I will try to paint you a picture: The point in the middle represents man, the upper part man’s aperture to the external world and the lower part man’s aperture to the INNER WORLD. Most people on Earth have separated from the lower part and only live externally. The experienced masters on the other hand utilise both parts . They live in the external and in the IN- NER WORLD, therefore receiving KNOWLEDGE, POWER and TRUST in GOD for their earthly life in abundance. Question : Is there a possibility or a method to bring one’s dreams back to one’s day-conscious in order to gain access to them? LUKAS :There are certain exercises that will contribute in helping for something like that to take place. But one has to bear in mind that whatever you’re supposed to bring back into your day-conscious will be transferred from the spirit SIDE to your day- conscious in one way or another anyway. The exercises one has come up with to transfer everything reveal the curiosity and the “I want” attitude of the human soul and not a “ Father, thy will be done” attitude . You always want to be men of action and determine everything yourselves and it can therefore happen that you become aware of thing that you should not yet have become aware of, because you are still lacking the necessary maturity or understanding for that matter. You certainly do not