Confession and spiritual Legacy of the Aviation Pioneer Dr. Ing. h.c. Igo Etrich

-14 - • The might and the power of thoughts, paired with a deep faith and the reverence for the Creator, are a mighty bulwark against Satan. The power of intensive directed concentrated thoughts can, in the truest sense of the word, move mountains. I concentrated my thoughts with all my might on the man next to me whilst simultaneously asking Jesus Christ for help. We were already on the road to Schweidnitz when the driver suddenly became restless, stopped and without saying a word, turned around and drove back to Oberaltstadt to our villa. My wife thought that I had returned as a ghost when I stood in front of her. There is a reason why the Power of Thought is dedicated a comprehensive chapter in all positive psychoscientific books, like for instance in the works by Ing. Hans Malik “Der Baumeister seiner Welt”, wherein the “science of thoughts” with its unique explanations and tips, represent a considerable component of this excellent book. The following years can only be assessed by someone that who has been ejected from the home of his ancestors and his children with 50kg of luggage, transported from one camp to the next. In spite of being undesired and unwelcomed, an annoying blackhead, receiving RM 90 per month, (RM = Reichsmark), I felt my life of freedom at the side of my beloved wife infinitely exhilarating and deep gratitude filled both of our hearts. And the Lord once again gave a great blessing by allowing me to make a contribution towards the peaceful upward trend in technology. I developed, perfected and patented a so-called Express Route in the worsted yarn industry, that achieved the fivefold performance of all previously manufactured machines and it still finds its unsurpassed application throughout the world. These and also other patents were my latest technical efforts. As my financial situation gradually became more secure, I was once again able to devote more time to spiritual things. This time around, my studies were generally going to be devoted to healing the ill and specifically to spirit healing. Stimulated by my father’s great successes and by my own experience of having to observe how people are being carelessly abandoned as hopeless by exact medical science, I tried to look into the causes, the origin of these illnesses and the medical impotence associated with them. Because of the early death of the first wife of my father at 21 years old and also because of the loss of my dearest younger daughter Yvette at the age of 14, I had started with reading all kind of pertinent literature about the most important healing methods. With the help of my psycho-scientific experiences, I soon realised that the generally accepted as infallible allopathy is principally wrong because it only suppresses the symptoms of an illness through all kinds of poisons but only in rare cases removes the illness and that chronical suffering often remains behind. Allopathy is the name introduce by Hahnemann for the general treatment by doctors and stand in contrast to homeopathy.