The Delpasse-Effect

- 8 - remained alone in the room. The cards, whose sequence it had to guess, ergo clairvoyantly read, were mixed by an automatic device. When a lot of tests are carried out, the probability calculation can tell us how great the probability for or against is, whether an abnormally high number of hits indicate pure coincidence. Mathematics calls it a determined value that speaks against coincidence, the anti-coincidenceprobability. Rhine conducted thousands of test series with the same people. The anti-coincidenceprobabilities that arose from them were a few millions to one. Test arrangements from other institutes were reported in the meantime, that were supposed to have achieved values of 10 billion to one. • The tolerant laws of probability mathematics thereby indorsed extrasensory perception. And as the probability calculations based on large numbers tests are always right, the existence of telepathy and clairvoyance can apparently no longer be doubted. The tests carried out be Rhine were the first promising approaches of a new science. With methods that were mathematically unassailable, he verified the existence of supernatural phenomena. But such evidence was not yet enough for either scientist. After lengthy negotiations with major clinics and numerous conversations with terminally ill patients who were aware of their plight, they conducted the following experiment: Beds were constructed whose four legs represented very accurate scales. Doctors and nurses could therefore read the patient’s weight to an accuracy of grams and milligrams without disturbing the patient. • As expected, the patients gradually but conspicuously lost weight during their last days of their life. That was normal. But what was not normal was a very sudden, instant loss of weight at the moment of death. Every time a patient died the hands of the scales clearly indicated a loss. Virtually instantly! The dead body became around eight grams lighter compared to when it was still alive. Shortly after this astonishing discovery, immune-biologist Professor James Bedford and cyberneticist Walt B. Kensington reported that they had knowledge about an up to now unknown energy that could only be measured at the moment a person died. Based on the DELPASSEEFFECT, both researchers surmised: • The thing that is usually called the soul must consist of a code of a quadrillion of energy-quants. These energy particles, comparable to the bundled energy of a laser beam, leave the body when a person dies. Our soul is a bundle of energy. Energy is however, something physics has faultlessly verified, imperishable! Even very sceptically minded scientists could no longer ignore such facts. Every scientist that wanted to be taken serious decidedly rejected the existence of an immortal souls about 100 years ago - and this is where atheistic materialism developed from - today’s philosophers, physicists, physicians and biologists must therefore admit: • There exists not one single piece of evidence against the existence of the soul, God and eternity. Based on everything that we know about the here and now, a hereafter is much more likely than the ultimate “when you’re dead, you’re dead” notion.