The Delpasse-Effect

- 46 - 5. Test results The research results can be listed as follows: The introduction of suitable high frequency energies to specific probes results in a forceful effect on the probes. The forces measured on a special torsion scale were in the region of 10 dyn (Image 5 and 6). One can assume that far greater forceful effects can appear, something that emerges from the measuring protocols of R. G. Zinsser, where forceful effects of up to 1500 dyn were observed over a number of hours in rarer cases. The suitable frequencies utilised must be adhered to religiously, because they are assumedly discretely dispensed and could have an effect on the probe. The exact adherence to the respective frequency is required. The utilised frequencies were within the region of 30 to 40 MHz, 120 to 130 MHz and 200 to 350 MHz. No dynamic effects could be ascertained during sine injections. Harmonic waves are apparently required. The introduction of high frequency energy with a grid dip meter, when deciding the resonance frequency, also produced effects. Image 5: Typical short-term effects as the result of high frequency agitation. The distance from the zero line corresponds with the deflections of the torsion scale. The zero recording of the torsion scale is given above as a comparison. The introduction of the high frequency took place via a corresponding oscillator or at times via a grid dip meter. The last row shows the influence of external sources of interference on the activate probe. (Neon lights, sparks). 1. The effects of force could not be ascribed to known interactions between electrical or magnetic fields or external interferences like the movement of air, warming, building vibrations etc. We are dealing with a new type of phenomenon within the framework of recent results. 2. The effects of force continue after the cessation of the high frequency energy supply and on the one hand, show a short-term (circa 2 hours) and on the other hand, a long-term character (days) (image 8 and 9).