The Delpasse-Effect

- 44 - 4. Performed experimental work The two torsion scales that were produced in 1970 were extensively tested for their zero accuracy. No coincidences of temperature variations and building movements (Controlled with an electronic level to an arc seconds degree) could be ascertained. Electro-static effects can also be excluded (The spraying of treated isolators with high frequencies from a 15 kilowatt transformer no longer has an effect after the required modifications). Furthermore, no influence of external static magnetic fields were ascertainable. To facilitate this, the whole arrangement was enveloped with a soil system that could produce a magnetic field that corresponded to around a hundredfold horizontal intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field. No influence on the torsion scales was discernible. Investigations into the influence of air movements on the readings of the torsion scales showed that above everything else, thermic turbulence can have an influence, particularly if the cladding of the torsion scale is of a too large a volume. After a number of experiments, wooden cladding was eventually selected that surrounds the torsion scale at the least possible distance, whereby the influences on the existing sensitivity of the torsion scale could be practically completely eliminated. It also has to be notes that these torsion scales proved to be remarkably reliable measuring instruments. They combine the characteristics of how the high sensitivity in regards to the measurands against the very lesser sensitivity in regards to external interferences can be dealt with similar to a galvanometer. It is furthermore interesting to note that the sensitivity of the torsion scales was less to a factor of around 103 to 104 compared to the Eötvös torsion scales Type 1 and 2 as they could now be brought to function faultlessly under high vacuum conditions. After these preparations had established the zero-levels of the torsion scales and the 2nd torsion scale had been housed in another part of the building in line with the coincidence arrangements, the execution of the tests was started. Deaerated water - preferably tap water - but also desalinated water at room temperature, was introduced to the probe with the help of a water jet pump. The water remained in the closed probe during the whole test period - generally between 4 to 6 weeks. The probe was placed on the torsion scale and the scale and additional zero-runs were carried out. These were perfect and coincided with the usual expectations. The probe was then activated through high frequency current (generally for 1 to 2 minutes). This activation was repeated a number of times at intervals of a few minutes in some of the tests. The currents used were generally between 20 microwatts and 100 milliwatts. Around 200 tests were carried out over the next three years. Most of these tests were stopped after around two days. Roughly 12 tests were carried out over a longer period of time (6 to 8 weeks). The second scale was only provided with ballast in all of these tests. Coincidences like the vibrations of the building, tectonic occurrences etc. could never be noticed. Even the influence of the tides, something that influenced the Eötvös torsion scale, does not enter the equation here because of the relatively considerably reduced sensitivity of the arrangement.