The Delpasse-Effect

- 41 - 2. Principle of experiment Samples were used that essentially represented resonant circuit elements, ergo inductivities and capacities, or also high frequency semiconductor power devices like for instance quarter-wave lines (image 1). The resonant circuits, respectively the semiconductor power devices, are located in water (Tap water or desalinated water). This arrangement, with its associated container as an isolating factor, represent the probe. It was realised that it does not exclusively have to be water to achieve this effect. The advantage of using water lies in its great dielectric constant, whereby relatively minute measurements of the probes become possible whilst taking the to be used frequencies and wavelengths into consideration. Next to other apparitions, we will not deal with them within this framework, these probes now show dynamic effects when coupled to inductive or capacitive high-frequency energies. The probes are therefore subject to effects of energies. To verify such dynamic effects, which were relatively minute in our experiments (Levels of 1 to 10 dyn), the probes were placed on a torsion scale of the required sensitivity. This test arrangement was not developed by us, it was adopted in a considerably improved form. Image 1: Principle of the utilised probes.