The Delpasse-Effect

- 34 - 2. 7 Powerful evidence for the survival of physical death Acting on a hunch, van Amsynck now decided to continue his experiments with forcefields and radiation sources he had started with in the biofeedback training, at the moment of death. The results exceeded all his expectations. With the help of a radiation source, van Amsynck not only succeeded in relocating the DELPASSEEFFECT into the no man’s land between brain death and ultimate death; it was also even possible to shift it back and forth within this region, like pearls on a string! Van Amsynck initially selected test arrangements that had brought particularly good results during biofeedback training. But they had no effect here. He eventually introduced a radiation source that previously only had negative success. It had led to the total blockage of stand-by waves during biofeedback training. It had been responsible for all the training cases that had to be aborted unsuccessfully. When van Amsynck used this radiation source in connection with artificial respiration, something unexpected happened: Medical symptoms and gauges showed the total loss of brain function. The brain was dead, the DELPASSE-EFFECT however failed to materialise! Van Amsynck waited for a while in order to make sure and to undertake all the necessary tests… He the switched the radiation source off. This was the very moment the DELPASSE-EFFECT appeared on the monitor! One is inclined to imagine the emotions of a scientist who pursued an idea for many years to a point where he no longer dared to believe in it and suddenly sees it realised in front of his eyes. Does he feel pride? Satisfaction? Joy? - Or is he overcome with trepidation over the unveiled mystery, followed by a feeling of guilt, because he was the one to lift the veil? - It might require more courage to continue the experiment after the first signs of success than the decision to start a research project in the first place. Delpasse and van Amsynck continued with their experiments. They found their first results confirmed: It was possible to shift the DELPASSE-EFFECT, with the help of a radiation source, beyond the brain’s total loss of function into the no man’s land between life and death, thereby furnishing powerful evidence for the survival after physical death.