The Delpasse-Effect

- 26 - phenomena, could be obtained. But this hasn’t told us anything about the central question: How does the coded message travel from brain to brain? One will be able to answer this question with the help of the DELPASSE-EFFECT. But for the time being we must deal with other observations that are suitable to support the model image of the subconscious stand-by wave. There is the conclusion to begin with that not only telepathic phenomena are tied to stand-by waves. Other forms of extrasensory perceptions, for instance clairvoyance, also effect a change of frequency in brainwaves. The following experiment was carried out in Russia: • Newborn rabbits were taken aboard a submarine that went diving. The brainwaves of the rabbit mother, who remained at the laboratory, were measured whilst her children were murdered, one after another. The rabbit mother managed to do something that no radio signal manages to do the moment a submarine is under water: She managed to stay in contact with her young ones. A deflection in her brainwave graph showed the exact moment when one of her broods was killed. Telepathy? - Clairvoyance? Nobody is able to say what happened here? But the change in the brainwaves shows that something is happening. 2. 5 Forcefields - statisticians or principal actor? Electro-magnetic waves do not only develop in the brain. All the nerves of the body also create and transmit electrical impulses. This creates a constant and alternate build-up and dismantling of magnetic forcefields. Experiment were undertaken at the University of Leningrad that measured the electrical forcefields of the organs of animals. Instruments were developed there that are so sensitive that they are able to register the forcefield of a singular nerve. Canadian researchers developed a series of instruments that react to the forcefields of the human body. They ascertained that an electro-magnetic field caused through fear looks entirely different from a field that conforms to cheerful peacefulness. Animals seemed to notice such fields particularly clearly. Every animal trainer knows that he is exposed to more danger when he approaches a predator with great fearfulness. One often expressed the opinion that the delicate sense of smell of these animals allowed them to perceive the cold sweat of people. But this does not seem to be a decisive factor. - The American David Thomson build a sender that is capable of producing fear waves. They are akin to the electro-magnetic forcefield people create around themselves when they feel extreme fear. Thomson assert that people react to this sender and that they instinctively retreat from a place where they sense these fear waves. The gift of a delicate sense of smell would hardly suffice as an explanation here. Forcefields also seemed to play a special role in psychokinesis. Forcefields extending to a distance of four meters were measured around the Russian psychokinesis medium Ninel Kulagina. The