The public reputation of parapsychology

Dr. Hauff, Parliamentary State Secretary for the Federal Minister for Research and Technology and Postal and Telecommunication. Colleague Meinecke, I am not able to give you an answer to your question, whereby I cannot exclude that fact that it is also beyond my capability to tell you whether mysterious forces stop me from answering. (Hilarity and applause from the ruling parties.) One more question should be asked at the end of this chapter, namely how things stand in Germany in regards to freedom of opinion and freedom of religion. Parapsychology doesn’t just find evidence of one’s personal survival after one’s physical death based on experience, but it also deals with the question of whether human beings must not live numerous times here on Earth. It is about whether reincarnation, ergo terrestrial rebirth exists. Researchers, like for instance the American psychiatrist Professor Jan Stevenson, investigated and documented cases where little children, after they started to talk, asserted that they have lived on Earth before and this not all that long ago. They were able to accurately depict their former place of residence, their parents and other relatives and the way they died. Professor Stevenson investigated these statements and could ascertain that they corresponded with the facts. When the children were taken along, they actually recognised their former parents. This is seen as evidence for terrestrial rebirth. In a number of religions, like Hinduism and Buddhism, the doctrine of reincarnation occupies a central position. The doctrine of reincarnation was also promoted within Christendom by the Church father Origen (185 – 254). It was only interdicted in 543 by the Roman Emperor Justinian in an edict.1 I depicted details of this in my writing “Das Fortleben nach dem Tode and irdische Wiedergeburt”. The doctrine of reincarnation is once again promoted by all Christin-spiritual minded people, so for instance by the followers of Greber and Kardec. There are millions of the latter in South-America. The doctrine of reincarnation stand in contrast to the doctrine of eternal damnation promoted by the major Churches. The latter doctrine does not give a satisfactory answer to the suffering on this Earth. The eminent Belgian poet and philosopher Maurice Maeterlinck (1862 – 1949, Nobel Prize for Literature 1911) portraits the importance of the doctrine of reincarnation as follows: “There has never been a belief that is more beautiful, just, purer, moral, fruitful, comforting and more probable than the belief in reincarnation. In its doctrine of gradual atonement and refinement of all physical and spiritual inequalities, all social injustices, all outrageous iniquities of fate, it alone gives everything meaning.” The inferences of the doctrine of reincarnation consist therein, that the progress of the present terrestrial life, ergo suffering, success etc. are conditional to negative or bad deeds of the previous life. This is given the term of Karma. There is an author, Tom Hockemeyer, who writes his novels under the artist name of Trutz Hardo. I have known him personally for 15 years. He is an extremely nice, helpful and peace-loving person. He is a convinced advocate of the doctrine of reincarnation and he organises so-called regression seminars. In these, participants are placed into a state through verbal suggestion, that makes them have inner experiences that seem to come from past lives. 1 See the Menetekel protocol “Reincarnation” with extracts from Church books.