The influence of grief on the deceased

- 29 - “Dear Mrs. X.! I thank you and I confirm the reception of your letter from the 27 th of December 1991. I feel for you in your time of great distress and sadness and I would like to express my deepest condolences to you, but I have to unfortunately inform you that I cannot establish any direct contact with your deceased husband. Our control spirits find it impossible to find and to attract somebody with whom they have no relationship whatsoever. I do however advise you to not attempt this somewhere else, because you can never be sure whether the contact you make is actually with your husband. I can however tell you without the help of a medium that your husband is not very well. Your desperate mental state, as you express it in your letter, is also transferred to him. Please read the chapter ‘The influence of grief on the deceased’ in my book ‘Life after physical death” three times in a row and contemplate the examples that also apply to you. If you want to do your husband a favour, you have to internally let him go. Ask God in fervent prayer to send helpers to your husband, so that they may show him the right path to take in the world of the hereafter, so that they tell him that he should no longer feel connected to planet Earth and so they can lead him to a new assignment there. There is nothing worse that you can do to him than to wish for him to continue to live next to you in his ethereal state. Death is an ordained separation, one that one should not try to reverse. One shouldn’t forget the deceased, one should think of them with love one one’s heart, but one should wish them all the best for their future journey through life and ask God to arrange this journey graciously for them. Furthermore, ask God to make it possible for you to reunite with him after your own demise and create the opportunity for this through the way you live your own terrestrial life. But do allow your husband to go on his way in peace. My wife also wants to give you some advice: Rearrange your bedroom and remove the bed of your husband. Express through this that a new chapter in the lives of all concerned has begun. This advice stems from conversations my wife had with a number of widows that faced similar problems to yours. I wish you rest, security and mental peace for the New Year and I remain with kind regards Your W. Schiebeler. I would like to add here that one should distance oneself from all practices of intentionally making direct contact with the deceased whereby one emphatically calls them back. This distracts them from their new assignments and it hinders their progress. 22. A Mother cannot let go of her deceased Son Here is an example of this: Married couple N. contacted me in July 1979 to inform me that on the 14 th of May, they had lost their son Norbert through a tragic accident outside of their house. The mother was inconsolable about this and she hoped to make immediate contact to this child through me. The parents subsequently participate a number of times at the gatherings of their own psychic circle. They were however not able to instantly talk to their son, but were instead prompted by the control spirits to pray for him. Based on the reasons cited here, I urgently advised the mother to not try to contact her deceased child somewhere else. But she didn’t allow herself to be too impressed by my request. As she did not have the hoped for success with me, she tried to make contact with her son with the help of the so-called voice phenomenon. She started to call out to her son, in his former room, a number of times during the day every day, to ask him how he was, what he was presently doing and whether he thought about her often. She then hoped to receive an answer from him on a running tape recorder. After some time had passed, she played the recorded noises back to me, they were indeed incomprehensible to me, but she apparently knew how to interpret them concretely. I seriously appealed to the conscience of this mother by entreating her to desist from constantly