The development of human life and early childhood death

18 This lady did however not dare to follow this advice. She therefor asked her healer to undertake this assignment on her behalf. He succeeded in calling otherworldly helpers and they led the perpetrator of suicide to the region specified for him. This lady was subsequently free of pain. The souls of aborted children show themselves to a psychic person On the 14 th of May, 2002, another lady telephoned me in regards to a similar matter, Mrs. C. (born in 1944) asked for advice and an appointment with me. She lived in Singen near Lake Constance and since 1996 had also had experiences with the deceased. She didn’t just sense them, she often saw them clairvoyantly through her inner eyes, sometimes very clearly, sometimes only shadowy. The apparitions she sensed sometimes scared her. She now and again sensed that some women she encountered must have aborted a child. This little entity was then placed in her arms. She doesn’t actually see this child, but she feels it in her arms. Mrs. C. reports: “It happened in the summer of 1996 whilst I was engaged in making calculations for a concrete framework that I found a large, dark skinned friendly woman dressed in black standing next to me. I saw her with my inner eyes as if she was physical. She remained there a long time, but didn’t speak. I continued working and when I turned around, this apparition was still there. She was no longer there later on. On another summer’s day in 1996, I walked through a busy street in Schaffhausen during my lunch break. I looked to my right because somebody was walking next to me. It was a friendly, middle-aged man, dressed in a dust coat in the style of the Thirties. I found out that his name was Heinz . He walked for a while next to me, didn’t say anything and sometimes later was no longer there. I remember both apparitions very intensely, but without fear. In the ensuing time I have had the impression of not being alone once in a while, but I couldn’t see anybody. I personally though that I was multiple and I tried to become whole again. I increasingly drew back from society, prayed often and I had the urge to go to the cemetery to pray for somebody, for instance for my ancestors. A lot of the deceased turned up asking me to do something for them. Deceased people from my family and also those that were unknown to me. I also gained the impression that the living around me would often influence me and suck energy from me. All of this sounds chimerical, but it has remained like this to this day and this is why I write this on the 24 th of May, 2002 with a clear head. When I last saw you on the 3 rd of July 2002 we talked about writing things down, for instance about the kids: On Saturday the 29 th of June 2002 I accepted the invitation of an organisation, mainly for women, to one of its meetings. The meeting began at 10am. I mingled with a lot of other women in the foyer prior to the meeting. After about 30 minutes had passed, I could no longer stand it. I felt strangely pressed and my head felt very woozy, even though no alcohol was served. I had to leave the room and sat in an empty lecture room. I was better here. I found it very difficult to concentrate after that and it was quite strenuous for me to follow the interesting lectures. Overall, there would have been over 300 women of all ages present, but the majority would have been under 40. At the end of the meeting, at around 4pm, I walked back to the city centre where my husband waited for me. All the way there I had the impression of carrying a very heavy burden. This feeling remained with me the whole day into the evening and I didn’t know what this burden was all about. The following day, Sunday the 30 th of June 2002, was my husband’s birthday and I was very busy. Early Monday morning, the 1 st of July 2002, I woke up with such severe back pain that I could hardly dress myself. I could hardly move, but despite the very severe pain I still went to work to Constance. During the course of the day I noticed and I knew that a lot of little children were around me, embryos, maybe aborted ones? They belonged to the women that had been with me at the women’s academy in Constance. They had fled to be near me or they had just turned up. I didn’t actually see them, I only felt their presence. Their large number terrified me and I was perplexed. Only individual or sometimes only a few children had been around me before. I didn’t know what had to be done, they crowded me from all sides. I prayed for them and for myself also.