Paranormal healing methods in the Philippines
PSYCHO-SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Editor: Rolf Linnemann (Certificated Engineer) * Steinweg 3b * 32108 Bad Salzuflen * Tel. (05222) 6558 Internet : E-Mail : Translator’s email: Professor Dr. Ph. D Werner Schiebeler Paranormal healing methods in the Philippines Werner Schiebeler, diploma physicist, Professor Dr. Ph. D, born in Bremen in 1923. Studied physics in Göttingen and in 1955 graduated from the Max Planck Institute, Göttingen with his thesis on fluid dynamics. From 1955-1965 worked in the electrical industry at Standard-Elektrik-Lorenz AG in Pforzheim, seven years as head of a development department for electronic teletext technology. From 1965 lectured physics and electronics at the then State School of Engineering, now University of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten. Appointed professor in 1971and retired in 1983. In addition to the subjects of natural-science and technology, he also taught para-psychology and para-psycho- physics from 1969 onwards at regular special lectures at the University of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten and continued to do so the ensuing years. The author published numerous articles in journals as well as brochure and four books on various para-psychological topics. In addition he also released a film about the “Paranormal healing methods in the Philippines” at the Institute of Scientific Films in Göttingen. He received the “Ernesto Bozzano Price” from the Associazione Italiana Scientifica Metaphysica in 1974 and the “1 st Swiss Price” from the Swiss Foundation for Parapsychology in 1988. 1. All bout the assignment and the films Healers from Christian-spiritual communities in the Philippines are carrying out paranormal healings of damage to bodies and illnesses. Next to healings through prayers , laying on of hands and certain forms of naturopathy , quasi-surgical treatment methods were developed that consist of gory encroachments into the previously externally intact body of the patient. The body is thereby not opened with a scalpel, but the incision is made through the kneading movement of naked hands or with one healer, through the movement of a finger through the air. The patients are not narcotized, they feel no pain or only bearable pain in spite of this. The wound created by the hands of the healer generally closes by itself after the hands are removed and this without a visible scar being apparent. The presented treatise is the result of recorded films that were procured during two study trips to the Philippines in February/March 1973 and February 1980 under Professor Dr. W. Schiebeler.