Methods for gaining contact with the world of the hereafter

- 2 - Introduction Ever since sentient human beings existed on this Earth, a large portion of them were convinced that an otherworldly world existed wherein one continues to live after one’s terrestrial demise and wherein the respective gods or a universal God have their place as creators of the world. This world of the hereafter was given names like Eternal Hunting Ground, Hades, Scheol or Haven and Hell . People were also convinced that an exchange of information between the two spheres was possible and that one could receive advice and even help from departed ancestors or higher spirits from the other world. Native tribes in particular amply utilised this when hunting, waging wars or solving crimes. This made it possible for them to better master their daily fight for survival. The knowledge about these things largely lapsed into oblivion with c ultured European peoples. The modern Spiritism that gained popularity in 19 th Century, as a practical pursuit of a connection with the world of the hereafter, showed interested and inquisitive people that one could not only receive good advice from another sphere of existence, but that one could also receive comprehensive depictions of living conditions there. The connecting link or the mediator of the transmissions of news from the world of the hereafter were in most cases a person that lives on this Earth. Through a physical and physiological, yet unresearched sequence of effects, otherworldly entities paranormally interfere with the nervous system of the mediator, cells are animated and this causes the movements of muscles or a visionary, quasi-optical or quasi-acoustical perception of the senses. A particular predisposition, we call it mediumistic , is the prerequisite for such a process to eventuate. The “medium” is then forced to do something, for instance to write, or it “sees” or “hears” something. Medicine men, shamans or priests were in the past the people most of the times (or are still partially the ones) that were in charge of making contact with the other world. One distinguishes between the following methods of making contact with the world of the hereafter: 1. The use of the Ouija Board. 2. The use of the pendulum . 3. The use of the rapping table . 4. The use of the psychograph (also called Planchette ). 5. Automatic writing . 6. Speaking in tongues . 7. Clairvoyance . 8. Clairaudience . 9. Direct writing . 10. The actions of so-called “ materialisations ”, that is to say, materialised limbs or materialised bodies of spirit entities, ergo inhabitants of an otherworldly world. 11. The use of technological apparatuses like radios, tape-recorders, television sets and similar things. Points 1 to 10 will be dealt with in this brochure.