Life after physical death

- 85 - such a degree that her own pleasant style was supplanted by the violent, forceful style of this young man. She couldn’t pick up a brush without being under his influence. This was followed by a brutal old hag (an untidy, neglected old woman) and she cause Mrs. K. a lot of harm. Her frightened husband had her examined in every respect, but one certified her as being physically and mentally extremely healthy. An explanation for what was happening to her could not be found. A series of psychiatrist, friendly towards parapsychology, tried to help her – but without success. After I was introduced to her I tried to encourage the personality that had entered her to leave her mind. But one cannot talk to an insane person and the battle ended up being a very tough one. To have her gain some kind of control took months and required intensive and deep hypnosis. She had a few personal disappointments, she wrote and painted very well, but nothing had been published or sold. These disappointments were soul destroying and they drove her toward alcohol. It now became even more difficult to keep alien personalities from entering her mind. The new opportunities gradually began to fascinate her and she spend a lot of time with developing her psychic talents. Instead of closing her mental door, she opened it wide for all the personalities that wished to write with her hand. She started to ail and her state of health did not improve in spite of all the cures she took. Her body was already damaged. A lot of people tried to help her by expelling the alien spirits that controlled her. Mrs. K. is an invalid person now, someone who cannot hope for a noticeable improvement of her state of health. I had success with her for a while, but once she no longer expressed the desire to fight, all endeavours were in vain. As a medium, Mrs. K. attracted all these alien personalities. She was a natural, but she didn’t know and she never learned how she could control these invasions so that they couldn’t harm her. There are registered cases of seemingly healthy people that suddenly run amok or kill close relatives. They usually cannot give a reason for their actions. A lot of them no longer remember anything from a specific point onwards, they have what is called a ‘mental block’. Did another personality take control of their body to commit the terrible crimes? – Did an evil disembodied entity discharge its malice and animosity through a man who came home after a day’s hard work? No court of law will accept such an explanation – but it could be the truth just the same! Such cases often happen under the influence of alcohol. The band between the conscious and unconscious mind loosens when in an alcoholic state and this makes it easy for another spirit personality to take possession of someone’s spirit. This also applies to a weakened consciousness after using drugs, this includes medicinal and psychedelic drugs (in a euphoric, trance-like state of mind caused by drugs) like opiates and barbiturates. However – without the ESP ability25 (ergo psychic gift) of the ‘victims’, such terrible things would not have eventuated. ESP is in such cases rather more of a curse than a blessing, because the so affected do not know how they have to behave. The best defence against this is still the knowledge of human capabilities and a better understanding of the duality of our world – spirit and matter. Thus far the explanations by Professor Holzer. I would like to add that to better defend oneself, knowledge about the religious background and one’s bond with God are also required. Holzer does not mention praying for divine protection at all, but rather about hypnosis and good advice. And this was apparently not enough. 25 ESP: Extra Sensory Perception, used here instead of psychic ability.