Life after physical death

- 76 - You do indeed clearly feel the influence coming from the emanation of a person that is in an extremely unhappy or happy or content and serene frame of mind. This effect it caused through the corresponding mental frame of mind at a decelerated or enhanced level of vibration of the concerned personality. You therefore feel the particularly powerful streams of their dejectedness or their joy. The two mentioned extremes are within themselves of the same level of flow or radiance. But they individually affect the people that are exposed to its effect differently. Outsiders themselves are not aware of the retroactive effect of the power of their thoughts and their ego most of the time. But it is present to a lesser or higher degree just the same and it remains impressed within the mind of the person concerned long after. Arrived here in the hereafter, all the ‘mental records’ must be consciously apprehended by the bearer and individually worked through once again. No judge in a robe and a wig, initiates and monitors this process, only one’s own individual self. We therefore bring a clear, perfect or absolute memory of our terrestrial life with us to the hereafter.24 According to the nature of our individual thought recollections, we attain a state of sadness, happiness, unhappiness, desperation or inner contentment here in the hereafter. This is where an aspiration begins to awaken within us, namely to put right and to bring into balance all the injustices and suffering we caused, the things that we indebted ourselves with on Earth through our consciously or subconsciously false mindset. This is why I say this once again, It isn’t just recommendable, but to the highest degree necessary, to have one’s thoughts and oneself under strictest control whilst still on Earth. In regards to the future development of every single person, it is very advantageous to take this advice to heart and to act accordingly, even if one is not able to comprehend the significance of these things during one’s life on Earth. I wish that everyone would become clearly aware of the possible results of their mental and physical actions – the misfortune they cause others and above all the severe pressures of conscience their actions cause within themselves when they become clearly aware of all the coherences. Never forget that your spirit is akin to a pantry that stores all the events for your otherworldly life Everything that you experience in your after-death life is a direct result of the degree you learned to control your thoughts and your base physical urges. Your future happiness necessitates for you to allow your spirit to gain mastery over the body and physical matter. To decide whether this is possible is up to you. When you are prepared to give account of your actions in the hereafter, you can continue in the usual way. But be assured that you will not receive further credit here. You will have to pay! But if you only think half as practical as each one of you believe they are, you will follow my advice and allow your spiritual-mental life to be master over the physical. It will securely and joyfully guide you, even if you hold the opinion that this would lead to religious asceticism. This concept is however wrong. The unfoldment of your mental and spiritual life already opens up a life of delicious joy on Earth, but it is capable of slowing you down when carnal impulses drive you to actions that demand a pricey and bitter price in the hereafter.” The Englishman James Lees (1849 – 1931), who acted as a voice and materialisation medium for decades, reports in his book: “Die Reise in die Unsterblichkeit”, a conversation between two deceased. One of them narrates about the conditions after death (12, Volume I, P. 49): “Many are for instance kept in mental fetters long after the influence of the body has been overcome, because their loved ones still mourn over them.” “How is this possible?” “I have told you before, Love is the greatest power that we know. The soul is under its influence the moment it leaves the body. The distress felt by those left behind on Earth therefore has a strong 24 This can only refer to people, respectively the deceased, that belong to a specific level of development, something Stead also belongs to and where his experiences come from, because we have numerous reports about the deceased that are mentally deranged for a short or lesser period of time after their demise and often do not even remember their terrestrial family’s name or their date of birth.